My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 203: 4 months later

 Chapter 203 4 months later

  4 months later

“121, 121, 121, hurricane—”

 The whistle blew, and after a burst of neat footsteps, the students in camouflage uniforms stood in a straight military posture, raising their heads and looking ahead.

 Until the stern instructor inspected the team, he finally gave the order, "Take a ten-minute break."


The instructor's order liberated them instantly. Everyone was so tired that they fell to the ground, not caring about their appearance.

“Oh my god, what a shabby school this is, and it assigned such a strict teacher to our class. If I had known about it, I wouldn’t have come here.”

 “Shh, keep your voice down, don’t let the instructor hear you.”

The crowd complained, but Ye Weiwei walked slowly beside the runway.

 Many people know that you shouldn’t sit down or drink water immediately after a long run, but most people don’t do it because they are too tired to care.

 The only difference in Ye is that when she was studying with Master Shirley, what basic skills had she not practiced? It’s not that I’m not tired, it’s not that I’m used to it.

 So she chose the healthiest way.

 Walk slowly, take deep breaths, and drink water after resting.

 During breaks, everyone likes to talk about something when they get together.

Girls are not as physically strong as boys and are too tired to talk.

On the other hand, boys, for example, some boys who have played basketball for a long time or like other sports are in better shape, so they just sit there and watch their jokes.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk, look at those girls. They were all dressed neatly and beautifully on the first day of school. They were all wearing camouflage uniforms. I don’t know who is good-looking.”

"When it comes to military training, everyone is the same. I still remember one very exaggerated example. You have to bring your own cushion when sitting on a stool. Your clothes will never touch the table. Now you are not sitting on the ground without any image."

Some people echoed, and some people suddenly raised their heads and pointed at the runway, "No, look over there, I've noticed that girl several times, and she has never sat on the ground without any image!"

"real or fake?"

 “I haven’t seen it anyway.”

 “Hearing what you said, I also remembered it.”

Several boys booed and looked at the **** the runway, including Su Yichen.

 A buddy put his hand on Su Yichen's shoulder, "Hey, our brother Su is staring at people."

That is Su Yichen's roommate Lu Baiyang. He is outgoing and mixes well among boys.

They had just entered high school and didn't understand the school's goings-on, but Su Yichen was recognized as the class star from the moment he entered the classroom. At that time, they asked the class to choose a class star, but Su Yichen didn't look at those girls.

 Su Yichen is staring at the girl now, which is worth mentioning!

“Brother Su has fallen in love with her, and I don’t know what she looks like.”

 “No impression.”

 “I’m not impressed, it just doesn’t look good!”

  If she is a good-looking beauty, they will definitely remember her on the first day they meet.

“I’ll go over and ask.” Lu Baiyang stood up with his hands on his hands and walked towards the **** the track.

Ye Weiwei had been walking for five minutes. Just when she was about to stand and catch her breath, a bottle of water was handed to her.

Lu Baiyang looked hard to see Ye Weiyi's face clearly, but Ye Weiwei refused to turn his head, and could not see clearly due to the brim of his hat.

Lu Baiyang said familiarly: "Classmate, please drink some water."

Ye Weiwei shook his head, "No, thank you."

“Pfft.” Lu Baiyang laughed, “Classmate, what’s your name? How about making a friend?”

Before he got an answer, a girl next to him shouted: "Xiao Lian, come over here quickly!"

Hearing someone calling her name, Ye Weiwei subconsciously turned around, exposing her whole appearance to everyone.

Come on, let’s refresh our brains. What did you look like from high school?



 (End of this chapter)

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