My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 204: She is beautiful and has a sweet voice

Chapter 204 She is beautiful and has a sweet voice

 Perhaps due to training, Ye Weiyi has grown much taller this year, with a net height of 1.6 meters.

The originally chubby baby cheeks have lost some weight, but they are still a bit round.

 With a ponytail and a clean appearance, you will feel very comfortable at first glance.

 In short, it’s not stunning, but it’s not ugly either.

 “Xiao Li, come here and drink water.”

 “Oh, right away.”

Ye Weiwei responded there, and then showed a shallow smile to Lu Baiyang, the dimples on his cheeks appeared, "My name is Qiao Li."

She introduced her name generously, her voice was like mountain spring water, soft and sweet.

Ye Weiwei returned to the group of girls, and Lu Baiyang also jumped back into the group of boys in a daze.

 Some boys were cheering, "We just saw her, that girl is quite cute."

Lu Baiyang raised his hand and added, "Although she is not a beauty, I have to admit that that girl has a very sweet voice."

“What’s your name? It’s my favorite style, cute girl.”

Lu Baiyang pointed at the person and laughed, and then wanted to say Ye's only name, "She said her name was..."

Su Yichen's voice suddenly broke in and said, "Qiao Ling."

 Lu Baiyang slapped his thigh to show his excitement, "woc, Brother Su, you actually know?"

 “Yes.” Su Yichen responded lightly.

 Lu Baiyang shook his head and clapped his hands, "It's incredible, Brother Su, you didn't even know that he was the top student in the class, but you actually remembered Xiao Qiao."

There was a buddy next to him who heard Lu Baiyang’s nickname for his new classmate and joked, “Maybe Brother Su was called Zhou Yu in his previous life.”

"Ha ha."

Su Yichen did not respond to these words.

Of course he knew Qiao Ling. In just over two months, she went from an average student to a top grade-skipping student. This was a girl who was famous even in No. 2 Middle School.

And he and Qiao Ling dated several times in junior high school.

Looking delicate and frail, I thought she was a nerd who was immersed in studying, but I didn’t know that she was also so good at sports.

Su Yichen didn't understand why he deliberately spoke at this moment to let everyone know: he knew Qiao Lian.

 But there seemed to be no possibility of reversing what had been said, so I didn’t delve into it further.



The whistle sounded, and the stern instructor stood in front of them. The students sighed in their hearts: The devil instructor is here again.

 They train on the school playground. Since there are no classes, the head teacher often comes to inspect.

When the head teacher talked about some situations with the instructor, the serious instructor actually called out "Qiao Li" by name in front of the whole class.

Ye’s only heartbeat seemed to have missed half a beat, and his breathing suddenly became heavier.

 She was very nervous when she walked out of the crowd.

"Hello teacher."

After the instructor nodded, he gave another strict order: "Go back!"

That loud voice frightened Ye Yiyi so much that he didn’t even dare to breathe.

 Suddenly I remembered the warning from the military training, and stood up to my position with my chest raised and my head raised.

 Actually, everyone could see that she was nervous because their instructor was so scary!

"Today, I just want to praise this classmate Qiao Ling! Although she looks small, her perseverance is amazing! She is the only girl in the class. She never slacks off or skates during training, and she completes every unworthy task very well! "

It turned out to be a compliment, and Ye Weiwei breathed a sigh of relief.

 “So, in front of you today…”

Before the instructor could say anything, a scream suddenly broke out from the crowd, "Teacher, a classmate has fainted!"

 (End of this chapter)

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