My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 222: It doesn't matter if it bleeds

Chapter 222 It’s okay to bleed

 “Wow, Brother Su and the squad leader...”

Lu Baiyang was shocked when he saw Su Yichen picking up Ye Weiyi and running to the infirmary without hesitation.

 Ye Weiwei reacted after being surprised and slapped Su Yichen's arm, "Put me down!"

But Su Yichen always did things based on his heart. No matter what Ye Weiyi said, he still carried Ye Weiyi into the infirmary.

 “Doctor, her foot is injured.”

The doctor was also shocked when he saw the wet and embarrassed appearance of the two people.

 The doctor frowned and asked, "What is going on?"

Ye Weiwei looked down at the bleeding wound on his foot and explained in an evasive manner, "I fell into the school pool."

“Oops! The pool in the school is very dirty. Clean it quickly and change clothes to avoid infection!”

If your body is contaminated with bacteria, your wounds will easily become infected even if you treat them now.

Ye Weiwei called Yu Anran and asked her to help deliver some clothes, while he took disinfectant soap and reluctantly cleaned it.

 After changing into clean clothes, the doctor disinfected her wound and applied medicine and bandage after the blood coagulated.

 “The wound is not big, but be careful to avoid infection!”


Ye Weiyi looked around and didn't see Su Yichen. She seemed to have glanced at her when she came out after changing her clothes, but now she didn't see anyone.

 I sighed softly in my heart: I’d better prepare a gift to say thank you.

Ye Weiwei never likes to owe favors to people, unless they are people with whom she has a very good relationship.

Last time she accompanied Yu Anran to the infirmary, but this time the roles were reversed.

Yu Anran pointed to her feet and asked, "How did you get yourself into this situation?"

With a frown, Ye Weiwei explained calmly, "Gu Yiyi took my earrings and threw them into the pool. I scratched my instep when I went to pick them up."

 “You...are those earrings really that important?”

"An Ran, you don't understand. Some things are meaningless to others, but to me, they are top priority!"

Yu Anran didn't understand the determination and depth in Ye Weiwei's eyes, but she knew that she couldn't refute this sentence.

“Gu Yiyi targets you like this, aren’t you going to tell the teacher?”

 “No need.” Ye Weiwei shook his head lightly.

Yu Anran has a cold and aloof temper. She never likes to interfere in matters decided by others.

 Just sigh: "You have such a good temper."

Ye Weiwei looked down at the injury on his foot, the corners of his lips slightly curved.

 Is she good-tempered?

 She didn’t say that she wanted to let Gu Yiyi go...

No matter how Gu Yiyi usually goes against her, she can be tolerant and tolerant, but the premise is...don't touch her bottom line!

While the two of them were silent, another group of people broke into the infirmary and started chattering.

 “Hey, hey, uncle doctor, come and see my brother.”

The doctor was so angry that he jumped up and down, "I'm talking about you little brats! Why are you fighting again? You want to break off the leg before the broken arm is healed?"

 “What nonsense are you talking about? Our brother Bei is awesome and unscathed!”

 It can be heard that this group of gangster-like students are already familiar with the doctors in the infirmary.

The leading boy has neat short hair, wears black skull short-sleeves, and wears a black wax rope skull necklace around his neck. This man exudes an unruly aura.

That’s what they call Beige—Beiye.

Last time he lost his hand, but this time he was full of energy.

While the doctor was cleaning his brother's wound, Beiye suddenly changed his target and walked toward Ye Weiwei and Yu Anran.

 A wanton smile spread across his handsome face.

  Thanks to “Park Chanyeol, let’s learn about it, Little Cookie, Hongling” for the tip~

Let’s take a bet, who does Kitano value?



 (End of this chapter)

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