My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 223: The only night to fight back against Gu Yiyi

Chapter 223 Ye Weiyi counterattacks Gu Yiyi

Bei Ye obviously came for Ye Weiwei and Yu Anran.

Ye Weiwei never wants to come into contact with these people, and Yu Anran is also resistant to boys.

Unexpectedly, Bei Ye put his hand on the bedside where Ye Weiwei was sitting.

The two girls frowned at the same time, but Beiye suddenly turned his head and smiled mischievously at Yu Anran, "Little beauty Anran, why did you enter the infirmary again?"

 The amount of information is even greater!

Yu Anran didn't listen and asked Ye Weiwei softly, "Do you feel better now? Do you want to go back to the dormitory to rest."

Ye glanced at the two of them with his only gaze, and nodded inexplicably, "You can go."

As soon as she said this, Beiye straightened his back and took two steps back to make way for them.

Yu Anran supported Ye Weiwei, and the two of them walked out of the infirmary cautiously.

“An Ran, do you know them?”

 “I don’t know.” Yu Anran denied it.

Ye Weiwei wanted to refute Yu Anran's words, but didn't say it.

Everyone has secrets that they don’t want to mention, and sometimes they can’t get to the bottom of it.

 “Let’s go back to the dormitory to rest.”

Ye Weiwei didn't ask any questions. Yu Anran helped her walk, but she couldn't help but think of some scenes on the way.

On the first day of school, she accidentally ran into Kitano and his group fighting with people outside the school. She was involved, but Kitano forcefully protected her from leaving...

But forget it, you shouldn’t worry about this kind of thing.

 As Yu Anran, she should not have anything to do with such a person who lives a chaotic life!


Squad leader Qiao Li was injured, and all her problems naturally fell on the head of deputy squad leader Gu Yiyi.

I don’t know who broke the news. Many people in the grade were spreading the news that "Gu Yiyi stole something from others."

They didn’t know exactly what Gu Yiyi had stolen. The three of them turned into tigers and turned into Gu Yiyi stealing money.

At that time, some people began to pay attention to Gu Yiyi's food and clothing expenses.

"Hey, I heard from people in her dormitory that Gu Yiyi wants to save face and looks glamorous, but in fact they are all inferiors."

"I've also heard that she is stingy in the dormitory. She puts everything in the cabinet and locks it, hiding it tightly, and she won't let anyone borrow it!"

  Gu Yiyi would hear some gossip when she came out of the office and passed through the corridor.

Gu Yiyi lowered her head and walked faster. Without looking at the road, she bumped into someone coming from the opposite direction!


Someone fell down. Gu Yiyi glanced at it without intending to take care of it, but her classmates in the corridor stopped her.

"Gu Yiyi, you knocked someone down and you didn't even look at him!"

 I saw Ye Weiwei standing up with the help of others, but he was pressing the injured foot with a painful expression.

Gu Yiyi stood tall and asked reluctantly: "Hey, are you okay?"

Ye Weiwei lowered his head and pressed his feet, "I just touched a wound. Just rest for a while. You should go and hand out the homework to the classmates first."

"You said that yourself, just be fine." Seeing her weak look, Gu Yiyi didn't bother to pay attention to her.

 You can watch the classmates who are dissatisfied.

“If you don’t apologize proactively when you bump into someone, it’s not sincere if you’re forced to apologize. Some people are really bad.”

“Yes, Qiao Li, are you seriously injured? Do you want to go to the infirmary?”

Those ugly words almost made Gu Yiyi angry to death!

She held back her anger and went to support Ye Weiyi, but a small voice came from her ears.

 “Are you angry so quickly?”

Gu Yiyi tilted her head and felt weird when she saw Ye Weiyi's smile towards her.

 “This is just the beginning...”

 (End of this chapter)

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