My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 264: Others can touch her too

Chapter 264 Others can touch her

 “Ye Yiwei!” Ye Xichen called her full name, obviously angry.

 “My name is Qiao Li.” She blurted out her retort.

Ye Weiwei tightened his fingers. The scene of his natural interaction with Xu Tangxi flashed in his mind, and his heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

 She dared to look at Ye Xichen with her eyes open, but the twinkle in her eyes came from jealousy.

 She hates those women who appear around Ye Xichen, especially those who covet Ye Xichen!

 The so-called school beauties in the past, such as Yun Mengsi.

 In fact, she was not afraid that Yun Mengsi could **** Ye Xichen away at all at that time!

 But it was different now. Ye Xichen was too close to Xu Tangxi, so close that she was in danger!

 “Little bell, don’t make me angry.”

"Do you think I'm a child and think I'm making trouble unreasonably? I've grown up and know what I should do and what I shouldn't do." Ye Weiwei raised his head and shouted loudly, "Brother!"

This call does not have the slightest sense of intimacy as usual.

Just when the two were confronting each other, Su Yichen and Lu Baiyang had already chased them out.

 And the pink rose has returned to Su Yichen's hands for some reason.

Su Yichen held the rose in his hand and approached step by step. He ignored Ye Xichen's presence and sent it directly to Ye Weiyi: "Qiao Li, I think it would be better to give this flower to you in person."

 “Okay, thank you.” This time Ye Weiwei took the flowers into her arms without hesitation.

Su Yichen smiled contentedly.

Lu Baiyang waved goodbye to Ye Weiwei, "Squad leader, you had so much fun. We are going back to school. We will be informed of the results of the competition."


Just when Lu Baiyang took a step, Ye Weiyi suddenly caught up with him, a smile on his face, "Anyway, today is the last day of vacation. Do you mind if I go back to school with you?"

Lu Baiyang turned his head in surprise, saw Ye Weiwei's face that clearly said "unhappy", and nodded slowly.

Three people are traveling together.

 “Qiao Li!” came the cold voice from behind.

Hearing the shout, Ye Wei paused for a moment, without even turning his head, and continued walking forward, getting to the light rail station.

Today Ye Xichen called her three times: Ye Weiwei, Xiao Lingdang, and Qiao Ling.

Ye Weiyi couldn’t even laugh even if he wanted to.

 Since childhood, this is the first time that Ye Xichen has shown his face so decisively.

 She is so brave!

 Actually, she was afraid that she would not be able to control herself and tell Ye Xichen her dark thoughts that would destroy everything.

 In this way, she will leave an indelible flaw in Ye Xichen’s face forever.

 She doesn’t allow it!

On the way back to school, Ye Weiwei leaned against the railing of the light rail, his eyes open and dull.

Lu Baiyang used his good eloquence and chirped along the way, "Squad leader, who is that guy? He's very handsome."

“…” Ye Weiwei glanced at him and continued to remain silent.

Lu Baiyang turned around and asked Su Yichen again, "Brother Su, who is that guy? He's quite handsome. If he's a love rival, tsk tsk, it's too hard to compare."

 “Her brother.”


"That's her brother." Su Yichen rolled his eyes at Lu Baiyang and began to close his eyes to rest.

“You two are pretending to be serious with me, it’s boring!” Lu Baiyang glanced left and right, then simply took out his mobile phone and started playing a game.

Waiting until school, Su Yichen took the initiative to help Ye Weiyi pick up a bouquet of flowers and sent Ye Weiyi downstairs to the girls' dormitory.

 Ye Ziyi thanked him listlessly.

Su Yichen's hand suddenly touched the top of her head, "Qiao Li, don't move."

Ye Weiwei turned around subconsciously, only to see Ye Xichen not far away.

  Suddenly like to torture



 (End of this chapter)

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