My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 265: The heart has the Tigers, fine sniffing the rose

Chapter 265: There is a tiger in my heart, and I smell the rose carefully

Su Yichen touched her head, but Ye Weiyi resisted not moving, but his eyes kept falling on Ye Xichen not far away.

 She did it on purpose!

"If you come to me, I will forgive you." Ye Weiwei stared at Ye Xichen and silently made a wish in his heart.

If Ye Xichen would be angry because of jealousy when she saw this scene, then she would be willing to take the initiative to explain that she went to G City to find him.

 It can backfire.

Ye Xichen left without looking back.

 “There’s something on your head, let me take it off for you.”

Ye Weiwei was stunned on the spot, and Su Yichen didn't even notice that he not only touched his head but also moved closer.

Since childhood, except for Nangong Luo, whom Ye Xichen defaulted to, she never took the initiative to approach other members of the opposite sex, nor did she want to let others approach.

 Because at that time, besides her, Ye Xichen was only close to Gong Qianli.

 Separable from them, everything is slowly changing.


 She bit her lip until it hurt before she let go.

Suddenly she realized that she was very close to Su Yichen, her eyes looked up, she glanced her head to the side, and blurted out in a very unkind tone, "Go away!"

Su Yichen was hit.

Ye Weiwei ran into the dormitory building holding two bouquets of flowers.

When she went up the stairs, there were always people pointing at her, probably because of the two bouquets of flowers in her hands.

She suddenly stopped at the corner of the stairs, turned around and ran to the first floor. She raised her hand and was about to throw the pink roses in her hand into the big blue trash can.

Two girls passing by quickly stopped her, "Wow, classmate, you just threw away such a big bouquet of flowers. You are a rich man!"

Ye Weiyi turned his head and generously handed the pink rose over, "If you like it, I'll give it to you."

The girl was also very generous and took the flowers in her hand without hesitation, "Wow, thank you."

Ye Weiwei smiled faintly, but there was no real smile.

 She carried the bouquet of flowers sent by Gong Qianli back to her dormitory. Her roommates all praised the beauty of the flowers.

The bouquet of flowers was very large, so Ye only took a few flowers and gave them to the people in the dormitory.

After Ye Weiwei left, the two girls who got the roses made a fuss and took two.

“I don’t know which grade she is from. She is holding two bouquets of flowers, most likely from her boyfriend.”

"Impossible, she wouldn't throw it away as a gift from her boyfriend. According to me, what she kept was a gift from her boyfriend. These pink roses were probably a gift from her suitor."

 “What you said makes sense.” The girl holding the flower nodded with deep understanding.

When they were playing with the flower branches, they found a roll of paper tied with a pink ribbon and a bow hidden inside.

 “Wow, there’s something good here.”

 “Hurry and take it apart to see what it is!”

One person is holding flowers and the other is opening the note.

After unfolding the note, they clearly saw a sentence written on it: If you have a tiger in your heart, smell the rose carefully.

“I don’t know which class that girl was in just now. This thing should be for her to see.”

“How about we take a photo of the message and post it on campus and see if anyone responds?”

 “I think it’s okay!”

Two kind-hearted girls gathered together and quickly responded to the dormitory to take pictures with their mobile phones and post them.

Lu Bai Yanggang, who was paralyzed in bed and playing with his mobile phone after returning to his dormitory, checked into the Tieba forum.

  New post: The young lady has dropped the flowers and hopes to come to **** on the 6th floor of Building B to claim them.

“Brother Su, come and see, your roses have been picked up!”

Lu Baiyang was very sure, because in the photo taken, the rose bouquet and the roll of paper tied with a ribbon bow were clearly separated.

Su Yichen, who was wiping his hair with a white towel, threw the towel away and rushed out of the dormitory.

ˆp: Are you really confessing your love this time?

Baidu: The British poet Sigreve Sassoon once wrote an immortal poem - There is a tiger in my heart sniffing the roses. I really like the artistic conception of the tiger sniffing the rose. This is the most appropriate way to express the delicacy of love. No matter what kind of person you are, as long as you have love in your heart, you will become very gentle, tiptoeing, approaching the beauty cautiously, for fear of being frightened and falling off the morning dew on the stamens.



 (End of this chapter)

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