My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 266: Confession failed

Chapter 266 Confession failed

Su Yichen called Ye Weiwei while going downstairs.

Ye Weiwei, who was arranging flowers in the dormitory, saw the call. He hesitated but answered it.

 "Qiao Li! Where are you?" In the first second of the call, Su Yichen went straight to the point and asked her location.

Ye Weiwei frowned slightly, "I'm in the dormitory, what's wrong?"

Su Yichen said: "Now, go downstairs."

Ye Weiwei let go of the flower branch in his hand and focused on listening to the phone, "Is something wrong?"

 “It’s something, it’s very important!” He answered resolutely, and his breathing could be heard clearly from the call.

 Ye Weiwei didn’t think much and went downstairs to the dormitory with her cell phone in her pocket.

“Rose flower, where is it?”

"..." She didn't expect that Su Yichen's first question after rushing to find her was to ask about the rose flower.

Ye was the only one who couldn't react in time and stayed there.

 “You threw it away, didn’t you?” Su Yichen got to the point directly.

She was speechless, and all the panic flashing in her eyes fell into Su Yichen's eyes.

 He opened his mouth with a cool smile, "Did you really throw it away?"

Ye Weiwei raised her head and glanced at him quickly before looking away.

Facing the person who sent the flowers, Ye Weiyi had the nerve to tell him that in fact, she didn't care about the bouquet of roses at all.

 So she lied consciously, "No, it's not."

 Stuttering because she is nervous.

Su Yichen lowered his eyes and stared at her face carefully, and found that it was different from the previous one.

 The face and eyes of the former little girl became clearer and clearer, and even her round, baby-fat cheeks began to lose weight. The side lines are soft, and her increasingly elongated face makes her delicate facial features even more delicate.

Because of the close distance, her black and slender eyelashes can be clearly seen trembling from top to bottom.

Su Yichen asked: "Do you know there is something in that flower?"

 “Huh?” Ye Weiyi was confused.

Su Yichen could tell from her reaction when she looked up that she did not see the note inside the rose flower.

Of course he didn’t believe the reason mentioned by Tieba: “falling behind”.

He personally sent Ye Yiyi downstairs to the dormitory. Where could Ye Yiyi be left? If you go to someone else's dormitory and stay there, they must know each other. Can

 The person who posted the post obviously didn’t know Ye Weiwei, so he went to the Tieba forum to look for her.

Where can the flower fall?

 The most likely answer is that Ye Weiwei threw the flower away. She didn't even look at the flower carefully and didn't even notice the note.

Ye Weiwei asked with a guilty conscience: "Is there anything in the flower?"

"Do you know, that flower is..." The words that showed his feelings were almost blurted out.

  Two girls suddenly rushed over from the side and greeted the only one of the night, "Hey, classmate, were they the roses you gave us just now?"

   …" bumped into each other, and the scene was very embarrassing for a time.

Ye Weiyi smiled sarcastically, "Okay, I guess so..."

"I was just looking for you. There is something unopened inside the rose. Here it is." The girl put the roll of paper tied with a bow into her hand, thanked her, and praised the rose as being special in the dormitory. nice.

Ye Weiwei stared at the roll of paper and slowly made up an excuse to Su Yichen, "Flowers, because two bouquets of flowers will be ruined when I take them back to the dormitory, so I gave them away..."

Su Yichen took a deep breath.

 "Do you know, that flower is..." The words that express his feelings will be blurted out again.

 Suddenly a cell phone ringtone broke this wonderful atmosphere.

The mobile phone held tightly in Ye Ye’s hand was vibrating, and the sign of someone coming was Liuli.

"Sorry, I'll take a call." She took two steps back.

 “Liu Li?”

“Only, Brother Chen fainted and is in the hospital.”

  Thanks for the reward Xia Tian~

By the way, do you really want to torture me?



 (End of this chapter)

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