My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 277: Hero saves beauty

Chapter 277 The hero saves the beauty

 After dinner, Ye Weiwei and Su Yichen stayed on campus and left together.

Yu Anran was about to go home and raised his hands to say goodbye to them.

With the New Year approaching, the streets became even more chaotic. Yu Anran never expected that she would encounter a drunkard while waiting for the driver of the Yu family on the roadside.

“Little sister, why are you here alone? How about my brother taking you to drink?”

Yu Anran glanced at them coldly, turned around and walked forward calmly.

 But the two drunkards had no intention of letting her go. They ran up to her and grabbed her shoulder bag and pulled her back.

Just when Yu Anran was about to fight back, someone took the lead and pulled away the drunkard wrapped around her arm.



There was a sound of punching and kicking, and the two clinging drunkards fell to the ground crying and begging for mercy.

Yu Anran grabbed her shoulder bag and took a step back. When she turned around, she saw a tall boy stepping proudly on someone's back, patting each other with both hands, as if he was deliberately slapping away dirty things on his hands.

"It's you." Yu Anran recognized him at a glance. He was Bei Ye, a bad student he had met several times.

 He ​​was wearing a baggy black sports coat, with the zipper still open in this winter season. The T-sleeve with a skull printed on it was his unique logo.

 Anyone who knows Kitano at school knows that he wears brand new skull T-sleeves all year round, not because he doesn’t change his old clothes, but because all his clothes are of this style.

 Very strange?

 But no one in the school dared to question this issue.

Yu Anran suppressed her accelerated heartbeat, nodded and said thank you lightly, "Thank you."

Beiye raised his leg and kicked the drunkard casually, letting them go.

 “Little beauty An Ran, I saved you again.”

 “If you help me this time, I will give you the due reward.”

“I heard in school that the little beauty An Ran is the rich daughter of a rich family. It seems to be true. She will throw money at people when things happen.” Kitano sneered, “Yes, she has the style of a rich second generation!”

This statement sounds like sarcasm.

Yu Anran is a smart person, so she doesn’t talk to him anymore and asks straightforwardly: “What do you want?”



"want you."

"Beiye!" Yu Anran only called his name, her frown already showing her mood.

 Kitano then burst into laughter, "I'm just kidding you. I, Kitano, am the first person who can see the face of the famous cold beauty in the school change."

 Yu Anran: “…”

She has never dealt with such people, and her temperament is not good at talking and laughing with others. Facing the flamboyant and unruly Beiye, who seems to be the opposite of her, she can never feel calm in her heart.

Like a naughty stone dropped into the still water of the soul, once it moves, there will be a ripple.

Yu Anran didn't like this feeling of being out of control.

Following good upbringing, she was still polite to her benefactor, "I'm going home, goodbye."

Beiye took long steps to catch up, "It's so dangerous for little beauty to walk on the road alone, I'll take you home."

"Need not."

 She calculated the time and the Yu family driver would arrive soon.

 But Kitano seems to be sticking by her side, which is very different from the arrogance he used to lead a group of bad students in school.

The naughty smile infected her emotions.

 The unfamiliar feeling made Yu Anran feel irritable for no reason.

Until, a valuable car parked on the roadside.

 The car door opens.

 “Miss, please get in the car.”

 The driver of the Yu family appeared, and Yu Anran breathed a sigh of relief.

She turned around and told Kitano, "Don't let others know what happened today. I will give you an equivalent reward."

  Thanks to Xia Tian and Mu Zhixixia for the reward~



 (End of this chapter)

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