My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 278: Dream (1) The first snowfall when I was young

Chapter 278 Dream (1) First Snow in Childhood

On the day when the first snow fell, the whole world seemed to be covered with a layer of holy silvery white.

The sound of a silver bell sounded clear to the ears, and the little girl in a red coat wrapped herself from head to toe and plunged into the snowdrift, "Brother Chen, come here, let's build a snowman together!"

 “Little bell, you are very childish.”

 The boy leaning against the door is wearing a mid-length black windbreaker. The English letters on the cuffs are designed in a unique and fashionable style.

 He held up a miniature camera, his mouth was cold, but his eyes did not move away from the bright red in the vast white snow.

Little Qiao Ling rolled around on the ground without any scruples, and got up as soon as he rolled over.

She deliberately walked up to him with "big strides", raised her head, and boldly pointed at him and accused, "It's not childish. Mom said this is called having a childlike heart. Brother Chen, you don't have a childlike heart like this."

 The dignified young master of the Ye family was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Even though he is still a child now, no one dares to point a finger at him.

  It just so happens that a five-year-old girl is so confident!

Ye Xichen held the camera with one hand, and slowly stretched out the other hand, pressing the pad of his index finger on her forehead, "Childish, just play with yourself."

Xiao Qiao pursed her lips and snorted, playfully raised her hands on both sides of her face, and stuck out her tongue at him, "A little bit!"

 But when she ran to build a snowman but could not shape it, her cheerful smile turned into a bitter look.

“How could this be? That’s what the teacher said.”

Ye Xichen, who had been watching, finally couldn't bear it anymore and hummed in a low voice: "Idiot."

But it happened that this sound fell into Qiao Li's ears. She squatted on the ground and tilted her neck to look back, "You idiot, Brother Chen, you don't even want to help me."

 “Build a base first.”

 “Snowball again.”


Hearing the sounds coming one after another, Xiao Qiao was stunned for a moment. When she realized what she was doing, Ye Xichen was already standing next to her and started to help her build the snowman's body according to the steps.

Xiao Qiaolian gave a thumbs up with both hands at the same time. He was so happy that he immediately shouted, "Brother Chen, you are awesome!"

Little Qiao Ling surrounded him and kept asking "what to do next". By the time Ye Xichen finished teaching himself, a snowman was already standing proudly.

Snow-white body, black eyes, and red nose, but now...

“Ah, it’s so cold in winter that you need a scarf!” Xiao Qiao Lian took off his red scarf in order to complete a better work.

Just when she was about to put it on the snowman, her hand was grabbed. Ye Xichen handed her his gray scarf, "Use this."

Little Qiao Lian pouted and shook his head, "No, the color in the book is red, red is beautiful."

She insisted on returning the snowman in the painting and wrapped a red scarf around it.

 She was so cold that she shrank her neck because she was not used to the sudden decrease in warmth.

 The next second, the warm feeling returned to her again.

It was Ye Xichen who put the gray scarf around her neck.

 “Little Lingdang, you are so stupid, what will you do if you leave me?”

“Why did I leave you? Little Lingdang is very smart! She will definitely stay with Brother Chen!”

 “You are so young and don’t know anything.”

Xiao Qiao shook his head again and again, "It's not too small, it's not too small."

She stepped forward and stepped on the extra carrots she had just thrown in the snow. She fell into the snowdrift with an "ouch" and the bell on her wrist rang loudly.

"Look, smart people don't fall." Ye Xichen stretched out his hand, but laughed at her.

Little Qiao Li was an eccentric person. When he grabbed his palm, he exerted great force and pulled him down together. The young master of the Ye family, who has always been famous... fell down!

 (End of this chapter)

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