My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 283: Idiot, I finally found you

Chapter 283 Idiot, I finally found you

Ye Weiwei ran out, threw away all persistence and took the initiative to call Ye Xichen. The battery had already warned.

When she hurried downstairs, she was surprised to find that the snow in the sky had stopped falling.

 The first snow...has it stopped?

She stood in the night sky and saw scattered passers-by. She grabbed her long hair in pain and kept cursing, "Ye Xichen, you big idiot!"

 No, no!

She wasn't sure if it was Ye Xichen who came to find her, but she would hold on to the slightest possibility!

She took advantage of the last 3% of the battery to dial the number that she knew by heart. Her heartbeat accelerated and she was extremely nervous.

 “Hurry up and pick it up, hurry up and pick it up!”

She watched helplessly as "Dialing" on the call page changed to "Call in progress". Joy filled her heart, but the moment she opened her mouth to speak, her phone screen went black and was turned off.

Ye Youyi’s heart suddenly fell to the bottom.

 “Damn cell phone!”

 She has been staring at her mobile phone this afternoon, waiting for calls and other messages, causing serious battery consumption.

 But just after I returned to the dormitory, I didn’t even bother to check the battery of my phone and ran out again. Now I can’t even say a word!


The dormitory aunt whistled to remind those who had not yet entered the dormitory to speed up. When she saw Ye Weiwei standing at the door and wondering whether to get in, she yelled: "Student, don't stand outside, the dormitory will be closed soon!"

Ye Weiwei raised his head and saw his classmates walking into the dormitory at a faster pace. He suddenly turned around and ran away.

“Hey, classmate, which dormitory are you in? How dare you run out now! No one will remember your name when I check the dormitory later!”

The dormitory aunt whistled and chased her for two steps, but Ye Weiyi had already disappeared without a trace.

 She can’t care about that much anymore!

No matter whether Ye Xichen comes back or not, she will go to that place!

“Even if you forget your promise, I will never forget the original agreement!”

“Ye Xichen, you are the real fool!”


The arrogant figure stood in the vast snow, his thick black eyes casting a shadow.

  The man's hand kept making the motion of answering the phone, connected, and then hung up...

Some things and some people may be destined to be missed, just like the first snow has finally ended.



The thin man was walking on the snow carrying a black bag. The sound of continuous coughing seemed very small in the vast world, and the "swishing" footsteps in the snow seemed particularly abrupt in this quiet night.

 He found a pile of thick snow in a perfect location on the mountain behind Yejia's villa.

 Putting the bag down, he started working skillfully.

Ignoring my hands that were red from the snow, I rolled the snowballs myself and built up a snowman bit by bit.

The childish and playful voice in my memory seemed to be lingering in my ears again, "The teacher said that the snowman's body is white, his eyes must be black, his nose must be red, and his scarf must be red to look good!" "


 The cool breeze keeps company with solitude.

 Seeing the snowmen gradually piled up, a smile finally appeared on the sickly face.

 Taking out the snowman's "eyes" and "nose" from the black bag, after all, a red scarf is missing.

Just as he was about to take off the black scarf from his neck, a clear but crying voice came from behind, "Idiot, the snowman's scarf needs to be red to look good!"

Ye Xichen was stunned.

 In the vast sky, apart from the sound of the cool breeze, he also heard the footsteps coming closer and closer from behind.

  P: If the book review area is flooded with "Pray for the first snowfall when Brother Chen and Little Lingdang meet again!"

Maybe they can see Chuxue again~

 (End of this chapter)

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