My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 284: He fell right in front of her eyes

Chapter 284 He fell in front of her

 “Idiot Ye Xichen, look back!” This time, the person who said “turn back” finally became her.

Ye Xichen turned around in response and stared at her indifferently, as if looking at a stranger, without any warmth in his eyes.

 Throat rolling.

Ye Weiyi stretched out his hand to wipe the tears from the corner of his eyes, and asked with a trembling body, "Why do you have to come alone?"

 They had obviously come back to fulfill their agreement, why didn't they tell her? If Shen Nian'an hadn't mentioned it casually, she might not have had the courage to come back here today!

Then are they...are they going to miss it again!

Ye Xichen remained standing and looked down at her, his dark eyes filled with waves.

The pale thin lips opened slightly, and his voice was so hoarse that it lost its previous magnetism, "Why do you want to come back?"

Ye Weiwei, who was full of grievances in his heart, didn't notice that his voice was ruined, and his red eyes were full of accusations, "Why did you come, that's why I came!"

 Why did they come here at the same time?

 Because of a childhood promise.

That snowy day, they made a promise.

The only time I look forward to snowing at this time of year is that it doesn’t snow in S City for the next two or three years.

 In the fourth year, she had given up hope until New Year’s Day…

That day, Ye Xichen will attend a very important banquet of the Ye family with her parents. They will leave Ye Yi, who is inconvenient to attend such an occasion, at home and be looked after by a servant.

 Ye Weiwei was watching TV and playing with toys. She lay on the window sill expecting to see Ye Xichen come home.

I was looking forward to it, but I saw something strange falling down from the window.

 She reached out to pick it up and was surprised to find, "It's snow!"

 She happily ran to the living room and called Ye Xichen on her landline, telling him that it was snowing in City S. At that time, she didn't even remember Ye Xichen's promise that he would make a snowman for her when it snowed.

Ye Xichen hurried back from the banquet, fearing that the Ye family couple would blame them for having fun, so he quietly took her to the mountain behind the villa to build a snowman for her.

At that time, she was so happy that she danced and said, "Brother, you are so awesome. You still remember to help Little Bell build a snowman!"

Ye Xichen still looks cool, "I, Ye Xichen, will definitely keep my promise!"

 Later, it would snow in City S every few years, and Ye Xichen’s promise has this day!

 So, she will come.

Ye Xichen suddenly frowned, his throat felt itchy and he coughed, "Cough cough."

Ye Weiwei woke up from his memories, his expression tightened, and he took a step towards him.

He took two steps back, obviously trying to avoid it.

They had been in a cold war for a long time, and Ye Xichen deliberately criticized Ye Weiyi for concealing his illness. No one dared to tell her, and they were separated for a long time, so Ye Weiwei knew nothing about his illness.

"You look so ugly...Are you cold?" Through the light next to her, she saw Ye Xichen's very ugly face and bloodless lips.

She lowered her eyes and saw Ye Xichen's red hands. Her heart suddenly softened when he heard him cough, and she reminded him anxiously, "Put on the scarf quickly, you will catch a cold!"

"It's just a cold." The hoarse voice was no longer as warm as before, and the dead expression on his face still had a chill.

His cold lasted for several days, and even taking medicine became three meals a day. Is he still afraid of the cold?


 “Cough cough cough.”

It seemed like he was going to cough up his lungs.

 I found that his lips were stained with bright red. Is that... blood?

"You're coughing up blood!" Ye Weiwei grabbed his hand regardless.

Ye Xichen's body shook and fell directly to the ground.

ˆˆp: Is it still snowing after I fainted?

The first question of the game we played last time: How old was Xiao Lingdang when he met Ye Xichen?

[Key points: Pin the May event post in the book review area for details]

Q&A with prizes: The first reader to answer correctly will be rewarded with 200 book coins, and one reader will be drawn from all subsequent readers with correct answers to be awarded 100 book coins. Answers need to be posted again in the book review area, otherwise they will be invalid.

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 (End of this chapter)

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