My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 288: Hiding the truth: She's gone

Chapter 288 Concealing the truth: She is gone

 “Don’t cry…”

The magnetic voice carried a familiar gentleness, and Ye Weiyi couldn't wait to catch it, knocking it against the edge of the bed with a "dong" sound.

Ye Weiwei rubbed his sore forehead, opened his eyes and murmured, "It turned out to be a dream."

 When I woke up, I found that I had slept on the side of the bed all night.

She tried to move her hands and feet, but her numb legs made her cry out in pain. It took a while before she recovered.

She stood up holding on to the bed and stared at Ye Xichen for a long time. He had not moved all night and still refused to wake up.

  It gets late in the morning in winter, and I am familiar with the morning self-study time at school. Now that I wake up, the sky outside is still dark.

 She seems to have forgotten something important...

 “Oops!” Her cell phone was turned off last night and she didn’t remember it until now!

I quickly took out my mobile phone to charge it, but within a short time of turning it on, many text message reminders of no-answer calls popped up.

 And Shen Nian'an's text message: The dormitory aunt kept it secret. If you see the message, please remember to reply to us.

"Ah..." She patted her head irritably. Looking at the time for morning self-study, she called Shen Nian'an and asked for leave from the teacher.

 After taking care of the school affairs, Ye Weiwei exhaled a long breath.

Going back to the bedside, he grabbed Ye Xichen's hand and shook it, forcing the corner of his mouth to curve: "Brother Chen, have a good rest. I'll make breakfast for you."

She thought that if Ye Xichen woke up, he would definitely need to supplement his nutrition.

Ye Weiwei was finally willing to open the door. No one was outside. She asked Gu Chengxi's housekeeper to check the kitchen.

  No matter how Gu Chengxi treated her in private, at least she was still "Miss Qiao" in front of the servants.

Xu Tangxi happened to see Ye Weiwei walking into the kitchen.

Xu Tangxi waved the housekeeper over and asked in a low voice: "Did Qiao Li go in just now?"

  The housekeeper answered truthfully: "Yes, Miss Qiao said that she would cook porridge herself."

Xu Tangxi went upstairs silently, and with a push, the door of Ye Xichen's room was opened.

 “Humph!” Xu Tangxi snorted inwardly.

Last night, she was forced out of the house twice by a yellow-haired girl. However, her strength was not as strong as Ye Weiwei's. Just thinking about it makes her very angry!

 After calming down, Xu Tangxi walked into the room.

Ye Xichen didn't wake up, but she was still worried.

Xu Tangxi approached and just sat down by the bed when he noticed that Ye Xichen's hand moved.

“Ye Xichen?” She tried shouting twice.

With his fingers trembling, Ye Xichen slowly opened his eyes. Xu Tangxi's appearance gradually appeared in his pupils, and he frowned slightly.

Xu Tangxi breathed a sigh of relief, "Ye Xichen, you finally woke up. Do you know that I have been worried about you all night, and it scared me to death."

Ye Xichen looked at her expressionlessly and put his hands on his hands to sit up.

Xu Tangxi reached out to help him, but Ye Xichen turned aside to avoid it, "No need."

Xu Tangxi smiled awkwardly, pretending not to care and said: "How do you feel now? Tell me if you feel uncomfortable."

 “Why am I here? Why are you here?”

"Have you forgotten? You fainted last night and were sent to Brother Gu."

 “Where is she?”


“Yesterday, it was Qiao Ling who was with me.”

“She, she has left a long time ago. Have you forgotten that she is a high school student and she has to go back to school..."

Xu Tangxi lied subconsciously.

“Ye Xichen, we have to go back to school to take exams today. If you can still insist, let’s go back to City G.”

  p: What should I do if Xu Tangxi deceives Brother Chen?

Question 2: What is Ye Xichen’s hobby? (Don’t say you like little bells or anything like that. It has nothing to do with the person, just answer his hobbies)

[Key points: Pin the May event post in the book review area for details]

Q&A with prizes: The first reader to answer correctly will be rewarded with 200 book coins, and one reader will be drawn from all subsequent readers with correct answers to be awarded 100 book coins. Answers need to be posted in the "book review area according to the format", otherwise they will be invalid!

                                                                                   summary of has mailed physical gifts (bracelets, dream catchers, soft girl cups, dolls) of your choice by mailing physical gifts (bracelets, dream catchers, soft girl cups, dolls) of your choice on the 520th floor of the 520th floor of the 522nd floor of the 522nd floor of the reward building.



 (End of this chapter)

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