My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 289: His memory is incomplete

Chapter 289 His memory is incomplete

"Exam..." Ye Xichen rubbed his forehead and sighed softly. There was a high-level mathematics exam this afternoon.

"I came back because of you. You don't want us to miss the exam, right?" Seeing that Ye Xichen didn't ask about Ye Youwei's matter, Xu Tangxi pretended to be relaxed and brought up the topic.

 “You go out first.”

 “Cough…” There was an itching sensation in my throat.

Ye Xichen sat cross-legged on the edge of the bed and suddenly raised his eyes to look out the window.

 The glimmer of morning light.

 The first snow no longer exists.

His fingers touched the edge of the bed, where the blanket was wrinkled, and some strange images flashed before his eyes.

 When he was sleeping, it seemed as if someone was crying and telling him in his ear, and...

Involuntarily, he raised his fingers and touched his lips lightly, and the memory of the little girl's smiling face flashed through his mind.

Just when he was about to think of something, a moderate knock on the door broke his thoughts.

 “Dong dong dong—”

Xu Tangxi, who was waiting outside, tried to knock on the door, "Ye Xichen, are you okay? I just checked the ticket, and it's just the right time to rush there. If you delay, time will be tight."

Hearing Xu Tangxi’s tactful urging, Ye Xichen frowned slightly.

 He fulfilled his promise and Ye Weiyi still left. Of course he... couldn't let her go easily!

But now is not the right time.

 He opened the door to the room and replied to Xu Tangxi, "Okay."

 “Cough cough cough…”

A hoarse voice accompanied by a cough makes people feel uncomfortable.

Xu Tangxi reminded with concern, "Drink a glass of water first to moisten your throat."

This ward seems to be specially set up for Ye Xichen, with complete basic applications.

 Xu Tangxi just casually looked over at the water dispenser and saw a pink mobile phone being charged.

Xu Tangxi silently said "No" in her mind because she remembered that it was Ye's only cell phone!

If Ye Xichen sees it, then it must be...

In desperation, Xu Tangxi shouted anxiously: "Ye Xichen, what's your ID card as a patient? I'll just buy two air tickets now!"

In fact, she has memorized Ye Xichen's ID card so well that she has even bought the plane ticket.

Ye Xichen turned his back to her and read out a string of numbers smoothly.

 Xu Tangxi got into the room and wanted to stop him, but Ye Xichen still found the pink mobile phone lying next to him when he was getting the water cup.

Ye Xichen picked up the phone first without taking the water or filling the glass.

After pressing the screen to light up, Xu Tangxi stood diagonally behind him and saw with his own eyes that Ye Xichen put his thumb on Ye Weiwei's phone and unlocked it.

turn out to be…

 The two of them trust each other and share fingerprints on their mobile phones.

Xu Tangxi suddenly had an inspiration, picked up the cup and filled him with half a cup of warm water, and handed it to him, "Ye Xichen, don't look at your phone. Drink water first to moisten your throat. We should leave, otherwise we won't be able to catch up." airplane."

 “This is the only mobile phone she still has.”

“No, I just saw her leaving in a hurry. She may have forgotten to take her mobile phone away while charging.”

Xu Tangxi now just wants to find all the excuses to instigate Ye Xichen to leave quickly, otherwise Ye Xichen may not be willing to leave when Ye Weiwei cooks the porridge and serves it!

 However, the moment he saw the mobile phone, Ye Xichen was already shaken.

He coldly rejected Xu Tangxi's kindness, "You go back first, I have something to do."

Ye Xichen was about to go out to look for someone while holding her pink mobile phone. The screen suddenly went cold and the phone vibrated in the palm of her hand.

 When I opened it, I saw a call from Su Yichen.

Ye Xichen's aura suddenly turned gloomy and cold.

Qixi Festival said that if the recommendation votes exceed 3,000, a chapter of super sweet candy will be given~

Question 2: What is Ye Xichen’s hobby?

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 (End of this chapter)

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