My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 307: flesh and bones of the living dead

Chapter 307 The flesh and bones of the living dead

 The loud noise made by the iron gate attracted everyone's attention again.

They all looked sideways, except for Ye Weiyi who was immersed in his own memories, and Yu Anran and Su Yichen who were worried about her couldn't take their eyes away.

The owner of the pair of leather shoes stepped up the steps, his face expressionless and cold.

But he saw Ye Weiwei, who was surrounded by the crowd, her green eyes staring at the coldness, as if the air around her dropped several degrees in an instant.

Gu Chengxi walked through the crowd, no one dared to stop him, everyone seemed to be intimidated by the strong aura radiating around him.

This young man in his twenties looks very calm.

Gu Chengxi walked to Ye Weiwei's side with steady steps, squatted down on one knee and said, "Qiao Li, how long are you going to cry?"

  The only thing that is deaf is night.

Su Yichen was very curious about this man who suddenly appeared, "Who are you?"

Gu Chengxi glanced at him when he heard the voice, but didn't take it to heart at all.

The reason why he is here now is because he was entrusted by someone...

When Shen Nian'an found Ye Weiyi in the cafeteria, Ye Weiyi was still on the phone with Ye Xichen, so Ye Xichen also heard Shen Nian'an's anxious words.

 An argument broke out on the rooftop…

 Ye Weiwei is very sensitive to that kind of thing.

 Ye Xichen was not sure whether something would happen to her. It would take at least two hours to get back to S city from G city, so he could only call Gu Xicheng first and ask him to pick her up from school.

Including the psychiatrist Dr. Huo also received a call from Ye Xichen and was rushing towards the school at the moment.

"Qiao Li, listen, I have been asked to come to you. Whether you are willing to listen to me or not is another matter." Gu Chengxi was minding his own business and said some unpredictable words in her ear.

Of course, Ye Weiyi didn't give him any reaction.

Gu Chengxi was neither anxious nor annoyed. He stood up and inserted his slender fingers into the side of his suit trousers. His posture was happy and there was no trace of worry, but no one denied that they didn't know each other.

"Since you refuse to wake up, I have plenty of time to spend here with you."

Dr. Huo is on the way here, and Ye Weiyi is indeed as unwilling to contact anyone as Ye Xichen described.

As long as he promises not to let Ye Weiyi get hurt before Ye Xichen rushes back, he has fulfilled his mission.

Su Yichen wanted to rush up and question Gu Chengxi, but was pulled away by Yu Anran.

Yu Anran shook his head at him.

Then Su Yichen saw the teachers leaving the rooftop one after another.

 It was because the people brought by Gu Chengxi had already negotiated with the teacher and successfully persuaded them to leave.

There are only five people left on the rooftop now.

Beiye and Yu Anran were standing together, and Su Yichen was squatting next to Ye Weiwei. He wanted to touch her but couldn't.

Gu Chengxi glanced at them, "What, you don't plan to leave?"

Yu Anran looked directly at him and revealed her identity directly, "Young Master Gu, why did you come back?"

Gu Chengxi glanced at her and answered her briefly, "Entrusted by others."

 Obviously, people in these two aristocratic circles knew each other.

Yu Anran tightened her fingers and asked: "The Gu family's medical skills are said to be like the flesh and bones of the living dead. Why don't you treat her?"

 “You leave, and I will naturally save people.”

Gu Chengxi finished speaking, but no one responded.

“Why, Miss Yu, do you think my words are not credible?”

"let's go!"

Yu Anran took Bei Ye's hand and wanted to go down, but Su Yichen still refused to move.

Yu Anran's expression was serious, "I can answer your doubts. If it's good for Qiao Ling, then leave."

Su Yichen: "I'm not worried, I want to stay here with her!"

  Thanks for the reward of "Little Fool Yeah, Yi Ge Xiaoxi, I'm Hard to Coax, and Girl's Heroic Dream"~

Brother Chen, it takes two hours to travel from city G to city S. You guys didn’t even think about this problem! But in the next chapter, hehehe, I invite Brother Chen to perform!!!

The person’s name is Gu Chengxi, and many people answered Gu Xicheng…

Mengyi Shenxiang rewards 100 book coins, directly join the group and privately stamp the Chinese Valentine's Day to receive it



 (End of this chapter)

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