My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 308: Second personality appears

Chapter 308 The emergence of the second personality

Su Yichen insisted on staying by Ye Weiwei's side, but Gu Chengxi did not force him to leave. "You have some courage, kid. You can try to see if you have the ability to wake her up."

Su Yichen stared at him and tried to talk to Ye Weiwei.

“Qiao Li, please wake up.”

 At this time, she was extremely fragile, which made people feel pity for her.

 It's fine if you get close, but if you touch her even slightly, Ye Weiyi will be frightened.

Dr. Huo hurriedly ran to the rooftop of the shopping mall. Seeing that Ye Weiwei had sealed herself away to prevent anyone from entering her world, Dr. Huo quickly took out a string of bells and shook them in her ears.

  The only person who suddenly opens his eyes when he hears the sound of the bell is that he opens his eyes soberly.

 Although she responded, she held her head as if in pain.

As a result, Su Yichen felt that Dr. Huo's behavior was weird, like he was casting a spell.

Su Yichen reached out and swung away the bell in Dr. Huo's hand. The unprepared Dr. Huo did not grasp the bell tightly, causing the bell to fly out and fall directly through the gap in the railing on the rooftop.

 “What are you doing!” Dr. Huo yelled at Su Yichen angrily.

Su Yichen didn’t expect such an accident to happen. He just wanted to stop Dr. Huo’s illogical behavior...

Dr. Huo crossed his knees and sighed repeatedly.

It was Ye Xichen who told him about the bell. Ye was the only one to respond, but now the bell was knocked down by a stranger.

"Are you doctors? She is in pain. Can you be more professional and save the patient?"

"Shut up!" Gu Chengxi glanced at him coldly and blurted out a very harsh rebuke, "If you fail to succeed, you will fail!"

 “Take it out.”

 Gu Chengxi gave an order, and several bodyguards who were originally guarding the entrance to the rooftop walked in and stood next to Su Yichen.

Su Yichen's thoughts were in a mess. He confirmed that Gu Chengxi and Dr. Huo were the only ones who could help Ye. He let out a breath and said, "I'll go by myself! You'd better cure her!"

 The irrelevant people finally disappeared.

Dr. Huo tried other methods to attract Ye Yiyi's attention, but it had no effect at all. He tried to hypnotize him, but Ye Yiyi gave him no response at all!

Gu Chengxi's cold expression gradually calmed down and turned serious, "What is her condition?"

Doctor Huo replied: "She was greatly stimulated when she was a child, and the mental trauma left a shadow that is difficult to get rid of. This may be the reason for her personality differentiation."

Gu Chengxi is a doctor, but his expertise in psychology is not as good as Dr. Huo's. "If multiple personalities were differentiated at that time, why did they only start to discover them in the first two years?"

According to how much Ye Xichen cares about Ye Youwei, Ye Xichen will know if Ye Youwei does anything unusual.

If it started when you were young, how come you haven’t performed well for so many years?

Dr. Huo said: "She lived quite well in the years when she was adopted by the Ye family. Ye Xichen always took care of her. She became extremely dependent on Ye Xichen and put herself in a weak position. , will receive more protection from Ye Xichen."

"You mean, she later felt that Ye Xichen could no longer protect her? That's why her other side of her personality appeared uncontrollably to protect herself?"

“Not really.” Dr. Huo shook his head.

The two of them were talking, but no one noticed that the light in Ye Weiwei's eyes suddenly condensed.

Gu Chengxi looked at his watch, "There are still three minutes until Ye Xichen's flight lands."

Ye Weiwei, who had been deaf to everything just now, suddenly stood up and grabbed Gu Chengxi's throat with such agility, "Don't you dare tell him!"

   The only baby who is very fierce~a fierce little fairy~

You don’t leave a message when sweets are given out during Chinese Valentine’s Day. You really don’t like giving out sweets, right?



 (End of this chapter)

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