My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 309: You must come back!

Chapter 309 You must come back!

"Gu Chengxi, you dare to tell him!" Ye Weiyi actually strangled Gu Chengxi's neck. This situation was beyond everyone's expectation.

He faced Ye Weiyi without fear, "You don't want Ye Xichen to know your dual personality, so you plan to kill me to silence me?"

Ye Weiwei's eyes narrowed, his hands became stronger, and he could even hear the sound.

When the bodyguard guarding the door was about to rush over, Gu Chengxi stretched out his hand to stop him.

Gu Chengxi smiled instead of being angry, "Since you understand what we say, you should know that I am entrusted by him. If you hurt me, everything will be exposed!"

He just said something softly, and Ye Weiyi suddenly put away all the thorns in his body and stepped back, with his back pressed against the guardrail of the rooftop.

Suddenly, Gu Chengxi's cell phone rang.

Gu Chengxi took it out calmly. When he saw the caller ID, one corner of his mouth turned up.

He raised the phone to his ear and called out a name: "Ye Xichen."

Ye Weiwei opened his mouth silently and stood by the guardrail, staring at Gu Chengxi with a fierce look in his eyes.

Doctor Huo silently detoured to her side, just in case.

I saw Gu Chengxi reaching out and handing out his cell phone, obviously pointing in the only direction of Ye.

Ye Zi could not hear the voice on the phone, and Gu Chengxi did not explain anything to her.

At this time, Dr. Huo was next to her and said seductively in a calm voice, "Miss Qiao, you should answer your brother's call."

 Ye Weiwei gradually stepped towards Gu Chengxi's direction until he reached for his cell phone.

 Her hands were shaking!

 She put the phone to her ear and heard a familiar male voice coming from inside: "Little bell."

Ye Weiwei bit her lip, not knowing what to respond.

The man kept calling her name repeatedly, his voice getting softer and gentler, as if the gentle feathers could soothe all the uneasy emotions surging in her heart.

She couldn't help but say "hmm" softly, fearing that she would reveal the traces of crying when she opened her mouth to speak.

Ye Xichen did not miss her little voice, and finally let out a chuckle, "Baby, if you don't respond to me anymore, your voice will become hoarse."

 He was just a joke meant to tease her, and Ye's only voice blurted out in an instant, "Brother!"

 “Little bell, do you want to meet me?”


 She was going crazy just thinking about it!

The scene of Yu Anran and Bei Ye on the rooftop reminded her of the incident of her mother jumping off a building. The unbearable memory trapped her tightly, if not...

If they hadn't heard Gu Chengxi and Dr. Huo mention Ye Xichen's name, they would have wanted to tell Ye Xichen about her dual personality! She absolutely won't allow it!

Ye Xichen must not be discovered, Ye Xichen must not be allowed to know that the little bell he likes is not actually a kind and cute little girl at all, but a demon with a dual personality living in his body!

 She did a lot of unknown things secretly, and Ye Xichen must not know about it!

Ye Xichen was still coaxing her carefully on the phone, "If Xiao Lingdang wants to see me, go home with Gu Chengxi now."

 Ke Ye’s only direct retort: ​​“I don’t want it.”

"Be good, my brother asked him to take you home. If you go with him, you can see me when you get home." At this time, Ye Xichen definitely didn't feel comfortable letting Ye Weiwei walk around alone.

Ye Weiwei was moved when he heard those words, "Really?"

Ye Xichen also emphasized firmly, "Of course, I keep my word."

 “Then I’ll go with him!”

 “You must come back, otherwise!”

 “What else?”

 “Otherwise I will hide so that you will never find me again!”

Knock on the blackboard: Please remember the last words the little bell says now



 (End of this chapter)

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