My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 319: Mrs. Qiao visits Yejia

Chapter 319 Mrs. Qiao visits Ye’s family

Li Moer stood in front of Ye Weiyi like a winner with the surname "Ye", but Ye Weiyi dismissed it, "It's just a surname, do you think I care?"

Mrs. Ye found her son in the kitchen and was filled with anger. "You are the eldest son of the Ye Group! The only heir of the Ye Group is willing to stay in the kitchen and cook for a little girl! You are really... unworthy of the people you have grown up with." Your cultivation and expectations!”

Ye Weiwei heard those bad words and immediately threw away Li Moer's hand.

But she ran to the kitchen door and suddenly stopped, her fingers tightly clasped on the door, resisting the urge to rush in.

Li Moer rushed over and taunted her, "Why, don't you like Brother Chen very much? Now that he is scolded because of you, you don't dare to go in, right?"

Ye Weiwei scolded coldly, "Shut up!"

Mrs. Ye was unhappy with her, but she would not do anything to her own son.

If she rushes in at this time, it will be like adding fuel to the fire, and then things will really get out of hand!

Li Moer has no good intentions at all.

 Obviously, Li Mo'er also guessed Ye's only strength.

She took a step back, and when Ye Weiyi was worried about Ye Xichen, she suddenly pushed her into the kitchen with a strong push from behind.


Ye Youwei was pushed headfirst into the ground by the sudden force. Fortunately, Ye Xichen caught her quickly with quick hands and eyes.

 “Brother.” Ye Weiwei grasped Ye Xichen’s arm tightly, with lingering fear in his heart.

The worry on Ye Xichen's face has not faded yet, "Are you okay?"

"No, it's okay." Ye Weiwei shook his head and turned to the door.

Ye Xichen followed her gaze, and the flash of her eyes happened to hit Li Moer, who scared Li Moer and quickly hid aside.

She patted her chest uneasily. At that moment, Ye Xichen's eyes were really scary. To use a criminal idiom... it was as if he was going to kill someone... scary.

But inside the house, Mrs. Ye's only look at Ye was as terrifying as if she wanted to kill someone.

When Mrs. Ye saw her son hugging his love rival's daughter, she felt even more explosive, "Hurry up and let go!"

Ye Xichen squeezed Ye Weiwei's hand in private.

 “I’ll go out first.”

Ye Ziwei understood what he meant, stepped on her feet and whispered something, broke away from Ye Xichen's arms and went out.

Li Moer was indeed eavesdropping outside.

Ye Weiwei walked towards her with his head held high, "Li Mo'er, are you provoking me?"

Li Mo'er couldn't help but retreat, but pretended to be bold, "Yes, so what?"

 “I’m afraid you’ll get carried away.”

“What you care about is only what I throw away, and I won’t argue with you. But if you dare to make up your mind about what belongs to me, I will never let it go!”

Ye Weiwei threatened Li Moer directly and pushed him back to the door.

I don’t know what Ye Xichen and Madam Ye were talking about, but Madam Ye left in despair.

Ye Weiwei stood at the door and looked at the long-disappeared back, and asked calmly: "Brother, did you have a fight?"


Knowing that Ye Xichen was trying to comfort her, Ye Weiwei bowed his head and apologized: "I'm sorry."

Ye Xichen touched her head and said, "It's none of your business."

This silly girl has no idea that it was the Ye family that owed the Qiao family from the beginning to the end...

Mrs. Ye was angry and felt that her son was becoming increasingly difficult to control. She lost her temper when she returned to Ye's house.

The housekeeper suddenly came over in a hurry and said, "Madam, there is an old lady who calls herself Qiao coming to visit."

 “Your last name is Joe?”

   Thanks to "Yige Xiaoxi, Fish Bone" for the reward~



 (End of this chapter)

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