My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 320: Misidentified granddaughter

Chapter 320 Misidentifying your granddaughter

"Your surname is Qiao? Are you... here to find Qiao Li?" Li Mo'er guessed in surprise while tapping Madam Ye's shoulders.

Madam Ye immediately thought of the person named Qiao, but she denied it herself, "It's impossible, there is no one in the Qiao family anymore."

In the years when we first became friends with the Qiao family, we knew that there were no elderly people among the Qiao family, so in the end, Ye Weiyi fell into their Ye family to be adopted.

 “What is the identity of the person coming?”

 “This is their greeting card.”

The housekeeper presented a letter of greeting. Madam Ye opened it and read it. She actually had business dealings with the Ye family.

 “Invite people in and take a look.”

Even though she heard that the other party was an old man, when discussing common interests, Mrs. Ye felt that they were in the same position facing the old man.

after awhile.

 The housekeeper led people into the living room. Mrs. Qiao was old but not old lady, she was very energetic.

Even though Mrs. Ye didn’t recognize her, looking at the nobility around her, she thought she had an extraordinary status.

Just for a moment, Madam Ye waved away Li Mo'er's hand and stood up, with a warm fake smile on her face, "Is it Mrs. Qiao? Please sit down quickly."

The maid brought tea, and Mrs. Ye was very considerate in receiving guests.

The content of their conversation had a lot of meaning. Li Moer, who was standing by, couldn't understand it, but she always felt that Mrs. Qiao and the male assistant Pei Yichen next to her were looking at her intentionally or unintentionally.

Li Mo'er, who was given the title of Miss Ye's family, naturally had to behave properly and sit quietly next to Mrs. Ye. She would not talk nonsense or be rude, nor would she have wasted many years of social etiquette lessons.

Mrs. Qiao suppressed the longing for her "granddaughter" and talked to Mrs. Ye about some official matters in a good-natured manner.

I don’t know how long the conversation lasted, but Mrs. Qiao finally brought the topic to Li Moer.

“Is this Miss Yejia?”

Mrs. Ye held Li Mo'er's hand and smiled cordially, "Yes, this is my Ye family's daughter, Ye Mo'er."

"Mo'er, it sounds like a cute name. Miss Ye is also pretty and graceful. Mrs. Ye is really blessed."

“Mrs. Qiao is very complimentary, but my Mo’er is indeed well-behaved, smart, and a lovable child.”

Being praised in public, and with Madam Ye’s cooperation, Li Moer took Madam Ye’s arm and deliberately made a shy gesture like a little daughter and said coquettishly, “Mother Ye.”

Mrs. Qiao felt very uncomfortable when she heard her granddaughter calling someone else's sweet voice.

 Originally, she found this child two years ago, but something unexpected happened with her current husband's career, causing her to be delayed there for two years.

  When she comes back this time, she must guard her granddaughter.

If she had not left her son, then maybe her granddaughter would be by her side now, acting coquettishly like this.

 Pei Yichen saw that Mrs. Qiao was having trouble controlling her emotions, so he deliberately concealed it and quietly reminded Mrs. Qiao.

Mrs. Qiao nodded slowly, convincing herself that the days ahead were long.

 It was inconvenient to show too much emotion, Mrs. Qiao and Pei Yichen made eye contact and said goodbye to Mrs. Ye.

Madam Ye suddenly said: "I think the old lady and Mo'er are quite destined. Mo'er, please see the old lady off for me."

Li Mo'er didn't think much and followed Madam Ye's wishes, "Yes, Mom."

 “That’s really troublesome for Miss Mo’er.” Mrs. Qiao naturally avoided the surname “Ye”.

Li Moer smiled sweetly and said, "It's no trouble. When I meet Mrs. Qiao, I feel as friendly as if I were meeting my grandma."

When Grandma Qiao comes back, she will definitely meet Little Lingdang!

It’s Monday, Chinese Valentine’s Day, I’d like to ask for recommendation votes, leave messages and give rewards, 嘤嘤嘤



 (End of this chapter)

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