My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 321: There won't be any blood even after being pierced for a while.

Chapter 321: No blood was seen even after being punctured

Mrs. Qiao believed Li Mo'er's hypocritical words, and followed those words and said: "To be honest, I feel very kind to Miss Mo'er when I see her. Now that the two families are cooperating, Miss Mo'er might as well call her grandma." ”

 “Grandma Qiao.”

Facing an important person, Li Moer had no time to curry favor, so of course he would not refuse, so he pretended to be well-behaved and called out.

 Mrs. Qiao was so excited when she heard that sweet address that she could not help but tell the truth.

It was Pei Yichen who supported Mrs. Qiao and blocked her sight, "Madam, please calm down."

Mrs. Qiao nodded, reluctant to leave, but she had to go.

After saying goodbye to Li Moer, Mrs. Qiao got into the car. There were obvious traces of tears flowing through the wrinkles at the corners of her eyes.

"Madam, since we are now cooperating with the Ye family, we will naturally have more opportunities to deal with the Ye family. You don't have to be too hasty."

"I'm not in a hurry, I'm... I think of my poor son when I see her..."

 In the final analysis, Mrs. Qiao transferred her longing and guilt for her son to her only granddaughter.

“Madam, you have free time this afternoon. How do you plan to arrange it?”

 “Go back to the hotel first.”

Mrs. Qiao couldn't wait to visit Ye's family as soon as she returned to China, hoping to see her granddaughter. She got her wish just now.

 After returning to the hotel to rest for the whole afternoon, Mr. Qiao still couldn't sit still and went to the Yangtze River surrounding the city.

S city is an economically developed city with rapid development in all aspects. In just two years, even the streets have changed.

 Mrs. Qiao came to see this night scene with a nostalgia for her hometown, and was very impressed.


 It is close to the riverside and surrounded by bustling night markets.

 As soon as Ye Xichen came back, Ye Weiwei was in a better mood.

Ye Xichen said that he would give her a gift and allow her to choose it by herself, so Ye Weiyi pulled him out onto the street unceremoniously.

And this time she was not shopping blindly, but pulled Ye Xichen into an accessories store with a clear purpose.

Pinched her rosy ears with slender fingers, she blinked at Ye Xichen and said, "Brother Chen, I want to get my ears pierced."

“It’s summer now and it’s easy to get inflammation.”

“But it’s not here yet, so you have to take advantage of it. As long as you pay attention to it in the previous week, you won’t get inflammation.”

The only time Ye insisted on getting her ears pierced, Ye Xichen couldn't resist her and could only nod in agreement.

Ye Ziwei is a person who is afraid of pain. He had already done psychological training before coming here. Fortunately, there was no blood when he was pierced by a needle!

 “Ouch.” She ouched twice deliberately, which made Ye Xichen frown.

 “It hurts a lot?”

“Brother, do you want to give it a try? You can also play one.”

"Do not hit."

  “I’ve seen boys wearing earrings before, they look really cool!”

 “Heh, you should tell me who that person is.”

Even though Ye Xichen was asking, his expression seemed to be that the next thing he said was: Say it and see if I don’t kill him!

Ye Weiwei asked herself if she didn’t have the courage, so she showed off her pierced earrings in front of the mirror and was satisfied.

He chose another pair of silver earrings in this store. Ye Weiwei was very excited, "I will be able to wear all kinds of beautiful earrings from now on. I'm happy!"

 “Don’t forget you are still a high school student.”

 “Then I’m happy too.”

She ran to the riverside, opened her arms to enjoy the cool night breeze, and smiled brightly when she looked back.

Mrs. Qiao and Pei Yichen were passing by. When they heard the silver bell-like laughter, they couldn't help but take a second look.

With just one more look, Mrs. Qiao recognized Ye Weiwei, "That's..."

  Thanks to "Depression, Yaoyan, Wenwen" for the reward~

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 (End of this chapter)

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