My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 322: Mystery of Identity

Chapter 322 The mystery of identity

“Madam, that is Ye Xichen, the eldest young master of the Ye family.” The first thing Pei Yichen saw was Ye Xichen.

The first thing Mrs. Qiao looked at was Ye Weiwei, "I mean that little girl, do you think she is the particularly destined little girl we met when we came back two years ago?"

Pei Yichen took a closer look and thought about it again, it was really true!

 “It looks a bit familiar.”

"She must be that little girl. She has grown taller and become more beautiful."

 Compared to two years ago, Ye Weiyi is now 1.62 meters tall. . There is also her face. The cheeks with baby fat have completely turned into a beautiful oval face, but her appearance is still easy to recognize.

 Mrs. Qiao looked at her face and felt... somewhat familiar.

Especially those eyes, they look like someone in my memory.

 But if she had to find out who it was, she couldn't remember it for a moment.

"Go over and say hello." Mrs. Qiao was originally visiting her old place. She couldn't see the old friends from many years ago, so it would be nice to meet the people she was destined to meet.

But just when Mrs. Qiao was about to walk towards Ye Youwei, Pei Yichen suddenly reached out to stop her and whispered in her ear, "Madam, the man standing next to the little girl named Qiao you mentioned is Ye. The only son of the family—Ye Xichen.”

 “Oh? It’s him...”

Mrs. Qiao thought about it for a moment, "That Ye Xichen is Mo'er's brother, right?"

 “It stands to reason.”

"Ye Xichen knows Qiao Li, what is their relationship... Could it be that these two children are in love?" Even though Mrs. Qiao is older, her thinking is not old-fashioned.

 She had a really good impression of Qiao Li at first, and now she feels that the Ye family is kind to adopting her granddaughter, so her impression of Ye Xichen is also good.

Pei Yichen was stunned. The first thing he thought of was what this girl had to do with the Ye family, but his immediate boss, Mrs. Qiao, was thinking of young people's love...

“Madam, it’s up to you.”

 As an assistant, he will not participate blindly.

Anyway, Mrs. Qiao's granddaughter has been found. It is also the young man's free choice who the young master of the Ye family falls in love with.

Mrs. Qiao was preparing to go up. They walked slowly and did not call anyone.

 But at this time, Ye Weiwei turned around and walked forward.

How fast do young people walk?

 Mrs. Qiao couldn’t keep up anyway.

“Madam, do you want to stop?”

"No, forget it. I thought it would be fate to meet each other, but now that they are gone, maybe they have other arrangements." Mrs. Qiao was open-minded and did not force it.

 Pei Yichen naturally didn’t say anything more.

 “Brother Chen, I’m hungry and I want to eat.”

 “Let’s go, I’m treating you.”

 “Yeah! I won’t be polite!”

Ye Weiwei was particularly happy tonight. He was limping around and even deliberately ran forward to let Ye Xichen catch up.

 Not long after, Ye Weiwei received a call from Yu Anran.

Ye Weiwei grabbed Ye Xichen's hand and stood beside him, answering the phone without any scruples.

 “Hello, An Ran.”

As soon as she shouted, Yu Anran's anxious voice came from the phone, "Xiao Ling, contact Bei Ye quickly and find someone to help him at the south gate. Go quickly!"

 “An Ran, what are you doing?”

Ye Weiwei frowned and suddenly heard the sound of high heels on the floor on the other end of the phone, "Yu Anran, who are you calling?"

"is my friend…"

Ye Weiwei heard this, and the call was hung up.

 “Bei Ye…Bei Ye…”

  Thanks to "Eternal Love, Yi Ge Xiaoxi" for the reward~

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 (End of this chapter)

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