My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 323: Kitano is a wolf

Chapter 323 Beiye is a wolf

“A friend seems to be in trouble. Brother Chen, I need help.”


In fact, Ye Xichen also heard a little of what Ye Weiwei said to Yu Anran just now.

 They know the address of Kitano and it’s easy to check.

Ye Xichen took Ye Weiwei and rushed over first, and also arranged for others to go to the south gate.

 What can happen to Kitano?

“I don’t know what’s going on with the two of them, maybe it’s a little serious.”

Ye’s only thought was about the increasing scars on Bei Ye’s face and body. They were definitely not caused by simple bumps and bumps, they must be man-made.

Yu Anran is also weird...

 Coupled with the conversation just now, Ye Weiwei quickly thought that Yu Anran's family might be preventing her from interacting with Bei Ye.

 It was as if Madam Ye was targeting her...

The difference is that Madam Yu could attack Beiye without caring about Yu Anran's thoughts, but Madam Ye still couldn't control Ye Xichen, and even because of Ye Xichen's protection of her, she never really hurt her.

  Comparatively, she is quite lucky.

On the way there, Ye Weiwei tried to dial Beiye, but Beiye didn't answer.

Hunts like Kitano are very capable of protecting themselves, but they can also cause trouble...

She was particularly worried when she thought of Yu Anran's unusual anxious state of mind.

 “Little bell, you should calm down.”

"It's about friends. Brother Chen, you don't know. The relationship between the two of them is really complicated. Besides, Kitano likes to make trouble. I'm afraid that he will suffer a loss and An Ran will be sad for a long time."

Ye is the only person who repays kindness. In the past two years, she and Yu Anran have become good friends, and Yu Anran has also helped her.

 Yu Anran would rarely take the initiative to make a written request. This time she made it for Kitano, so she naturally had to take more seriously.

The area at the south gate is not small, but when Ye Xichen arrived, someone had already sent him the specific location.

 When they found Bei Ye, it seemed like a group of people were fighting.

Bei Ye was actually one against ten. He was surrounded by people holding a sharp small dagger in his hand. There was blood on the corner of his mouth, but the faces of everyone else seemed to be stained.

Ye Weiwei pulled Ye Xichen's arm, "Brother, what should I do?"

I thought it would be clever as Ye Xichen, and he would come up with the contradiction between the result, but he patted the only hand of Ye to show the comfort, and said, "Not in a hurry."

Ye Ziwei was confused and couldn't figure out the reason, but he wouldn't just open his mouth to make trouble at this time.

Ye Xichen looked at Bei Ye with cold eyes.

Beiye stood in the crowd, like a ferocious wolf, unafraid, fearless, full of wildness, and full of courage!

 You can tell at a glance that this kind of person is a lunatic! Be brave and fear nothing!

 Smart people appreciate the strong.

Ye Xichen is a smart person, Bei Ye is a strong one.

 “Let’s see what happens to him.”

“Brother, with one against ten, even an iron man can’t stand it!”

She was entrusted by Yu Anran. If Kitano was not rescued in time and Beiye was maimed, how would she face her friends...

Ye Xichen shook his head and chuckled, stretched his arm from behind her back, held her other arm tightly around him, "Don't be afraid, trust me."

Beiye and the group of people were fighting in confusion. Beiye used fierce attacks, hitting one by one, and then together when they came up.

 But after all, there is strength in numbers. Even if Kitano has skills, he will be exhausted and receive a heavy punch in the face.

Ye Xichen narrowed his eyes. At this moment, the people he arranged were also arriving one after another.

Ye Xichen gave the order, "Clear the place!"

Brother Chen has taken a liking to Kitano~hhh

Recommend a super sweet and sweet article "Green Plum in Hand, Bamboo Horse without Worry", the kind that you will regret if you don't read it

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 (End of this chapter)

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