My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 337: your past

Chapter 337 Your Past

Ye Weiyi and Gu Yiyi walked out of the classroom one after another and went to a deserted place. Ye Weiwei threw out the note and asked in a deep voice: "Gu Yiyi, who are you?"

“Ye Weiwei, Qiao Li, you are curious about how I know your past.”

 “I don’t want to tell you the reason, but I can give you a gift.”

Gu Yiyi handed a USB flash drive into Ye Weiwei's hand and told her, "Watch it by yourself. It's best not to let others see it, otherwise the good and innocent person you are pretending to be, Squad Leader Qiao, will be exposed by others."

Ye Weiwei squeezed the USB flash drive on her phone.

 She will not fight Gu Yiyi until she understands the ins and outs of this matter.

"Gu Yiyi, no matter who you are, it doesn't matter even if you know my past. There are so many people in Xingyao Academy, who doesn't know Ye Weiyi." Ye Weiwei pretended to be calm and said these words to her calmly, as if Tell an unimportant story.

Gu Yiyi chuckled lightly, "The one I know from Xingyao College is the timid and cowardly Ye Weiyi, but the only one I know in this high school is the thoughtful Qiao Liao. You don't want to mention your past to others, am I right?"

“After all, I went from being a young lady of the Ye family to an orphan. The gap is huge.”

Gu Yiyi was sarcastic, and her words of suspense aroused Ye's only curiosity.

 The two returned to the classroom, each thinking.

Shen Nian'an asked her what she was doing with Gu Yiyi.

Ye Ziyi chose to hide it, "As for some class matters, there is no need to take the college entrance examination. Our sophomore students have to vacate the classroom."

"Speaking of the college entrance examination..." Shen Nian'an poked Ye's only hand and quietly asked in her ear: "Do you know what's going on with Yu Anran and Bei Ye now?"

“I don’t know the details, but looking at Anron’s appearance, it must be bad.”

Yu Anran is now like a robot. He repeats the same things after class, eating and going home. He does not participate in any activities and does not say a word to other students.

 In short, she became more indifferent than before, minimizing her sense of existence.

 Emotional matters, except for the person involved, they have nothing to do.

 There is no way to decide their love, no way to resist their family.

 I can only hope that they will be fine.

Just as the two were discussing Yu Anran and Beiye, Beiye appeared at the front door, leaning against the door, asking for Yu Anran by name.

 In fact, many students have guessed that Kitano and Yu Anran are together, but they never do anything intimate in public, and most students don't dare to gossip about Kitano.

This was the first time that Kitano appeared in their class and called Yu Anran by name.

Yu Anran was sitting on the desk doing the questions as steady as a mountain.

Beiye couldn't stand her indifference and walked directly into the classroom. A tall man stood next to Yu Anran, blocking the classroom lights.

Yu Anran continued to answer the questions without changing her expression, without even raising her head.

Bei Ye suddenly bent down and threatened her gently in her ear. "If you don't want to leave by yourself, I will carry you out."

Yu Anran was in disbelief, "You are crazy!"

 “You can try to see if I, Kitano, keep my word.”

Yu Anran was very angry, but she couldn't match Bei Ye's shamelessness.

Kitano really said that she was afraid that Kitano would be crazy, and he pressed the pen on the table with a "snap", or stood up and walked with him.

 The students in the class began to discuss Bei Ye and Yu Anran. Ye Weiwei slapped the table with his hand and said, "Everyone, be quiet."

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 (End of this chapter)

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