My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 338: toying with you

Chapter 338 Playing with You

Yu Anran felt his head hurt when he saw Bei Ye again, "We have broken up, why did you come to me?"

Beiye stared at her with a smile on his face, "When did I agree to break up?"

Yu Anran squinted her eyes, "The text message made it very clear, don't pester me again."

"Dating is a matter between two people. I don't agree with your breakup!" Kitano domineeringly took the person into his arms and lowered his head to kiss her.

Yu Anran noticed his intention, turned around and struggled, and accidentally slapped Bei Ye on the face.

Bei Ye's face suddenly changed and became ugly.

Yu Anran felt cold in her heart, "Yes, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it."

 She never thought of hurting Bei Ye, especially when she saw the scars on his face that were not completely healed, she felt so sad that she was about to cry.

But when the tears came to her eyes, she had to force herself to hold them back.

"Bei Ye, I tell you seriously that we are not suitable, so I took the initiative to break up."

“Is it your mother who threatened you?”


"Your mother locked you in the house and found someone to block me, so you compromised, right?" Bei Ye desperately made his words clear, in fact, just to force Yu Anran to express his position.

He put his arm around Yu Anran's shoulders, stared at her very seriously, and said to her: "Of course, I know that your mother doesn't agree with us being together. As long as you are willing to believe me, we will not be separated."

Yu Anran looked at Bei Ye's eyes full of hope and almost softened his heart.

 She had endured it for so long, but Kitano still showed up.


But she really can’t!

The mother's words are still vivid in her mind, just like the scars on Kitano's face, they remind her all the time: No!

Yu Anran took a deep breath and pretended to be indifferent, "Don't you understand, Kitano? I may like you, but it's just because the freshness you bring me is something I have never experienced before. I like it." It’s just a sense of freshness. When the time comes, when I’ve had enough of all that, Yu Anran will still be the eldest daughter of the Yu family!”

"Of course, I don't believe it." Beiye looked into her eyes and told her that he didn't believe that Yu Anran was the kind of person who played with emotions at will.

Even though he overheard Yu Anran telling Mrs. Yu that he had a mentally ill father that day outside Yu's house, even though he was very angry at the time and was so angry that he couldn't control himself and went to drink to get drunk.

 But once he woke up, he couldn't help but come to Yu Anran.

At that time, the injury on his face was still obvious. He didn't want Yu Anran to worry, so he delayed for some time.

 As soon as things got a little better, he couldn't wait to see her.

 He wanted to believe that what Yu Anran said was against his will.

The arrogant Kitano is now willing to lower his profile just for the girl he likes, "Of course, as long as you explain, I will believe it."

Bei Ye is like a wild wolf, he is cruel to everyone, but he has chosen one person.

 He held a sincere heart in his hands, but he was still trampled on!

"I have nothing to explain. Kitano, please wake up. Aren't you the so-called boss? Is it worth it for someone who plays with your feelings?"

 “It’s your words that are worth it.”

Yu Anran gritted his teeth tightly.

 She forcefully brushed Bei Ye's hand away, "But I don't like you anymore, do you understand?"

But Kitano held her shoulders tightly and said, "Of course, school is not a place for talking. This afternoon, I will wait for you at the racing track."

 “You give up, I won’t go.”

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 (End of this chapter)

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