My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 351: Kitano is gone

Chapter 351 Kitano is gone

On the day when the results of the college entrance examination came out, Yu Anran checked Kitano's score and found that he was performing normally.

Ye Weiwei brought bad news, "An Ran, I heard that Beiye didn't fill in his application."

Beiye left and left S city with his father.

Yu Anran didn't believe it. Ye Weiwei accompanied her to the alley where Kitano's house was to look for her, but the building was already empty.

The old man from the next door room came out again and said, "Last time it was one little girl, this time there are two. It's a pity, it's a pity, the handsome guy next door has moved away!"

Beiye left, and the news seemed to spread throughout the alley overnight.

Yu Anran didn’t believe it, but she had to believe it.

Ye Weiwei looked at Yu Anran who was in despair. Even if he couldn't empathize with her, he knew that Yu Anran must be very sad.

"An Ran, how about I help you find him?" If Rang went to check specifically, he would definitely be able to find Bei Ye.

 But Yu Anran rejected her kindness, "No, since it is his choice, I believe him."

 Kitano has always been the one who makes decisions...

 This time, maybe the last time.

 She still chooses to believe.

 Time can really take away many things.


Summer vacation passed by in a hurry, and Ye Weiwei and others also entered the senior year of high school. She devoted seven-tenths of her energy to studying intensely, and finally passed the exam in the first half of the senior year.

 Grade teachers all particularly like this student "Qiao Lian".

“Teacher Li, the student named Qiao Ling in your class is really good. She is making progress every time she takes the test. This child is really making progress!”

“Isn’t that right? She also takes care of things in the class in an orderly manner. I really chose the right person as the monitor.”

 Because Qiao Li is the monitor and often goes to the office, most of the teachers in the office are familiar with her.

They are about to enter their senior year of high school, and they only have one week of winter vacation.

  It’s almost time to enter the next semester, and it’s another year of countdown to the college entrance examination.

The students were already talking about their college entrance examination aspirations during the break.

“I don’t know how to explain it, but my parents want me to study medicine, saying that it will be easier for me to find a job in the future.”

“I like children, I want to be a kindergarten teacher, but my mother won’t allow it…”

 “I want to take the exam to the Conservatory of Music!”

 Everyone has a measure of their own achievements, and so does Ye Weiwei.

 When she saw Shen Nian'an who was addicted to books, she suddenly became interested and wanted to ask: "An'an, which school are you going to get into?"

 “I...I...want to get good in medicine.” Because Meng Ze wants to get into medical school.

Ye Weiwei didn't know what she was thinking, but she knew that studying medicine was a very good choice.

 “Come on, you can definitely do it!”

“What about you, Qiao Li? Do you still want to get into that famous finance school in G city?”

 “Of course, I must pass the exam!”

“I heard it’s very difficult there. Our school only has one recommended place. You can give it a try based on your grades.”

Gu Yiyi happened to be passing by, and regardless of the cynicism, she said, "Haven't you heard of the term "exerting one's strength?"

Shen Nianshu glared at her, Ye Weiwei shook his head.

Gu Yiyi threatened her once with her previous incident, but did not take any further action. She tried her best not to run into Gu Yiyi, and they stayed in peace with each other.

Ye Ziwei knew that the quota was tight, so she studied harder, hoping that the people in front of her would have different aspirations than her.


Su Yichen sat opposite the class teacher, "Su Yichen, your studies have always been in the top three. I saw your application and the school has a recommended place for you to be admitted to S University's School of Finance..."

 (End of this chapter)

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