My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 352: Admission quota for G City College of Economics and Finance

Chapter 352 Recommendation quota for G City School of Economics and Finance

“Hey hey hey, do you know what I heard when I came back from the office just now?”

“Su Yichen is going to be sent to the finance college in G city!”


 The only pen refill Ye held in her hand that she was about to replace was bent directly by her.

  The spot she had been looking forward to for a long time was finally occupied by someone first.

Shen Nian'an, the classmate at the same table, naturally heard those words. He turned around and saw Ye Weiwei's strange look, and was a little worried, "It's okay, it's just a recommended place. According to your grades, it's okay to take the exam directly."

Ye Weiwei forced a smile, "Well, thank you, I'm fine."

 How can it be okay!

She knew her grades were not good enough, so she kept working hard and studying hard. She wanted to win the recommended spot because she wanted to have an extra layer of protection!

I have always been full of expectations, but now my dream has been shattered by reality, and there must be a gap in my heart.

That person is Su Yichen.

Su Yichen is number one in the grade, so she can't compete with him.

 Su Yichen came back from the office, and the classmates in the class looked at him differently.

Lu Baiyang, who plays games, said: "Su Xueba, you have no worries about the college entrance examination, right?"

Su Yichen waved his "claws", sat in his seat, and took out the test paper to do the questions while sitting upright.

Lu Baiyang laughed loudly, "A top student is a top student. At this time, he still concentrates on doing the test papers. He deserves to be the number one in our grade!"

Su Yichen and Meng Ze are actually about the same, but in the last two exams, Su Yichen surpassed Meng Ze by 0.5 points or 1 point and ranked first in grade.

 Ye Weiwei, who was at the front desk, felt a little uncomfortable when he heard Lu Baiyang's words.

 She doesn’t blame others, she just feels a sense of disparity in her heart.

Suddenly she felt someone poking her behind. Ye Weiyi turned around listlessly and met Su Yichen's penetrating eyes.

 “What’s the matter?”

"I didn't agree." Su Yichen looked into her eyes and said this to her out of the blue.

 “What?” Ye Weiwei didn’t understand.

Su Yichen patiently repeated, "Send it to me, I didn't agree."

Ye Weiwei was shocked, "Why?"

Since the teacher mentioned to him about being admitted to the School of Finance, it proves that this is Su Yichen's first choice. Why not agree to such a good opportunity?

Ye Weiwei suddenly felt that his mind couldn't turn around, "As expected of a top student! He's different!"

 She thought that Su Yichen must be very confident in his own performance, so he refused this recommended spot.

 In this case, she has another chance!

 At the break of the next class, Ye Weiwei was called into the office by the teacher.

The teacher had a good attitude towards her, "Qiao Li, your grades have always been at the top. I looked at your application, and only you and Su Yichen in the top ten applied for the School of Finance in City G. Although the teacher didn't understand why Su Yichen gave up the recommendation. quota, but since giving up is his own choice.”

“Qiao Li, I know your goal has always been that school. Now the opportunity has come, are you willing?”


Ye Youwei was invited into the office, and the classmates in the class were also noisy.

“I remember that the squad leader and Su Xueba have the same aspirations. Do you think they will... huh huh huh?”

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the only difference between Su Yichen and Ye is.

“But there is only one quota, and one of the two will be unable to go.”

"Maybe, someone is crying in the office right now." Gu Yiyi interjected.

Everyone thought that Su Yichen agreed, but the one crying...wasn't it the monitor?

Su Yichen suddenly stood up and said in front of the whole class: "I didn't agree."

  Then the question is, will the little bell agree?



 (End of this chapter)

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