My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 371: cinnabar nevus

Chapter 371 Cinnabar Mole

Nangong Luo didn’t remember much, so he sent a message to Ye Xichen at that time.

“Didn’t Li Moer’s grandma pass away? Why did she appear as Grandma Qiao again?”

It's not that they pay more attention to Li Mo'er, it's just that people always have some curiosity. Since things happen around them, they can't help but want to find out the answer.

  Unfortunately, Ye Xichen’s reply was: He is just a partner who has a good relationship with the Ye family.

Nangong Luo told Ye Weiwei and Gong Qianli this explanation.

  When he found out that Mrs. Qiao's granddaughter was Li Mo'er, Ye Weiwei's heart froze.

Even though we now know that they are not biological, Mrs. Qiao has such a good relationship with Li Moer that she regards her as her granddaughter...

She felt that she would never be able to laugh like before when she saw Grandma Qiao again.

 “It doesn’t matter, it has nothing to do with us anyway.”

Maybe some people just have a deep connection.

The three of them took a lot of photos during their "travel" around the city in the past few days. Ye Weiwei picked one and posted it to the space. The combination of handsome men and beautiful women was eye-catching, but she quickly deleted the photos.

How could she forget that the Nangong family and the Gong family have such prominent family backgrounds, and if they were accidentally taken out of the photo, she would not be able to live in peace.

 However, although Ye Weiyi deleted it quickly, Meng Ze clicked in at the moment when it was not deleted and saw Gong Qianli.

Gong Qianli has changed and become more beautiful.

Meng Ze’s stagnant soul rippled again.

Two years later, he thought it was just a boy's dream, but when he got close to that person again, he couldn't help but like him.

 What you can't get is the best. This is true. Maybe Meng Ze has this kind of mentality towards Gong Qianli.

Mengze looked at Ye Weiwei's recent landscape photos and heard that they were going to a certain park tomorrow. He got up early in the morning to pack himself and prepare to go out.

 At this time, Shen Nian'an was invited to the home by Meng's grandma again.

Meng's grandma originally asked Meng Ze to greet her, but Meng Ze went out without even saying hello.

Meng Ze said that he had made an appointment with a friend and wanted to go out.

Grandma Meng thought about it and suggested: "Which friend have you made an appointment with? Why don't you take Nian An with you? You two children know how to read all day long, so you should go out and relax."

Mengze refused.

 But Grandma Meng insisted.

Unable to bear to reject grandma's expectations, Meng Ze agreed to take Shen Nian'an out.

Shen Nian'an felt very happy when she heard him relent.

But unexpectedly, not long after they walked out, Meng Ze would part ways with her.

 “I still have something to do, you can go and play by yourself.”

 “Don’t you also want to play with your friends?”

 “Leave me alone.”

Meng Ze found a car and directly reported the name of the park.

Shen Nian'an thought he was strange, and somehow he summoned a car to follow him.

Meng Ze didn't notice that he was being followed by Shen Nian'an.

 After arriving at the park, Meng Ze began to search for attractions here.

If they come to play at night, they will definitely visit these scenic spots.

Meng Ze didn't know what his mentality was now, maybe he just wanted to try his luck.

 But he was lucky, and he actually met Gong Qianli and others.

There is a wishing fountain in the park, which is simply a gathering place for girls’ hearts.

A coin is not much, and everyone thinks it is interesting to throw it in to make a wish, so people come to the wishing pool one after another.

Ye Weiwei liked this and pulled Gong Qianli to make a wish.

 Hash to exchange coins, but there is only one left.

 “If you want to make a wish, please wait, the coins will be ready soon.”

Gong Qianli gave Ye Weiwei the coin.

Meng Ze held the coin in his hand and stepped forward.

Let me tell you about the ignorant feelings of youth. It is estimated that I will enter college in one or two chapters.



 (End of this chapter)

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