My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 372: Bai Yueguang

Chapter 372 Bai Yueguang

In the crowd, Meng Ze walked up to Gong Qianli. When her hands were empty, he spread his hands with a coin lying in them, "Here you go."

"Meng Ze?" Meng Ze didn't change much, and Gong Qianli recognized him at a glance.

Meng Ze pushed up his glasses, feeling a little happy, "Thank you for remembering me."

Gong Qianli has a cheerful personality, and the two brothers patted Meng Ze on the shoulders, "What a coincidence! You come here to play too, and you even buy coins to make a wish, hahaha!"

 Originally, Ye only came to the wishing pool, a place full of girlish hearts, because she liked it. She didn't think it mattered. When she saw a man wanting to make a wish, she couldn't help but be happy.

Meng Ze explained, "I happened to pass by and saw you, so I happened to have a coin to contribute to you."

“It means we are destined.” Gong Qianli spoke directly, without any special meaning.

Meng Ze listened, but his ears secretly turned red.

At this time, Nangong Luo couldn't stand it any longer, and inserted himself mysteriously between the two of them to separate them, "Brother, please stay away from my girlfriend."

As soon as Meng Ze heard this, he was stunned and didn't know how to react, "You, boyfriend?"

Gong Qianli blinked, then laughed, "Oh, no."

 She explained casually, "It's just a joke."

 Then she introduced to Nangong Luo that this was her classmate in elementary school.

Nangong Luo cursed Meng Ze all over his heart, and his classmates in elementary school still remembered it so clearly.

Although Gong Qianli and the others could not exclude Meng Ze, their topics were always different.

At first, Meng Ze would find some topics that everyone could talk about, but when he saw the tacit understanding between the three of them, Meng Ze knew the reality clearly.

 This day's trip to the park, they had fun at night.

 Meng Ze felt that he was one-sidedly broken in love now, because he realized that he and Gong Qianli were from two different worlds and could not be together.

Meng Ze suppressed the feelings in his heart bit by bit, bit by bit, to the bottom of his heart.

On the way back, they parted ways.

It was getting late. Meng Ze was walking on the road he must pass on his way home, but he found that the street lights on that section of the road had been turned off at some point.

Menze has a mild phobia of complete darkness, which few people know.

He tried hard to take a step forward, but he didn't dare to go any further.

There is probably a power outage in this area, and the whole street is dark.

Meng Ze wants to call his family.

 Suddenly I heard footsteps coming from behind.

 The dark night is the most likely to bring fear to people, even if Meng Ze is a man.

Just as he was clenching his fists to be on guard, a familiar female voice came into his ears.


He heard that voice from many people, and even if he couldn't see the appearance clearly, he knew it was Shen Nian'an.

"How will you be here?"

“Something important was left at your house, and I just thought of going back to get it now.”

 “You’re going to our house? Now?”

 “Yeah, let’s go together.”

 In fact, she followed Meng Ze for a whole day today and saw his joy when he saw Gong Qianli, and his final despair.

 She did not reveal it.

 She also knew that Meng Ze was afraid of the dark, so she told a white lie.

Shen Nian'an stretched out his hand towards Meng Ze, "I'm sorry, I'm a little afraid of the dark. Can you give me a little tug?"

 “Are you afraid of the dark? Why didn’t I know?” In Meng Ze’s impression, he was the one who was afraid of the dark.

 But Shen Nian'an said: "People will always change."

"We go home."

Shen Nian’an is also a very gentle person. Do you hope they will develop in the future?



 (End of this chapter)

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