My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 375: Hit the confession

Chapter 375: Encountering a Confession

Suddenly a pleasant male voice came out, and everyone looked over.

 “Qiao Li, long time no see.”

That person took the lead and called out the name of the freshman girl.

 This tone... is even more familiar.

I saw an extraordinary and handsome boy standing there holding a black suitcase in his hand. His refreshing white sportswear highlighted his tall figure.

Su Che’s heart: Damn it, why does this man look like this!

The senior student in the junior year silently covered his face, finally meeting a little fairy schoolgirl, and then there was another junior student who not only knew the little fairy, but also looked so handsome!

 The way of heaven is unfair.

 “Do you know each other?”

"Yes, we are high school classmates." Su Yichen explained methodically.

"Hello, I'm a freshman." Su Yichen handed over his admission notice and placed it on the table next to Ye's only copy.

The senior sister in charge of arranging the class found names for them and sighed, "Oh my god, the looks of each of today's freshmen are incredible."

“So, you two are from S City, and you both know the two provincial champions.”

 “Hmm.” Ye Weiwei and Su Yichen said in unison.

Su Che hurriedly approached and asked, "Have you seen it? What does it look like?"

Ye Weiwei touched his chin and smiled with his eyebrows creasing, "It's pretty good-looking."

Su Yichen's eyes kept falling on her face intentionally or unintentionally, and he agreed with her words, "Yes, she looks very good."

The more delicate senior sister glanced at Su Yichen from the left and Ye Weiwei from the right. The pen in her hand wavered in the air and said, "Why do I think there is something fishy about you two freshmen?"

 They are about the same age, so they don’t have to worry too much about what they say.

Su Yichen was silent.

 Ye Weiwei sighed silently and didn't want to mention it more.

Su Che put the water aside and said lazily: "Sister, I'm bored, I'll take you to sign up."

"In that case..." Ye Weiwei seemed to hesitate for a moment, but still nodded in agreement, "Then thank you, senior."

Su Yichen stared, thinking that Su Che wanted to hook up with Ye Weiyi, but this girl agreed?

The sophomore student poked Su Che, "Senior, could you please take this junior student with you?"

“You didn’t know that boys and girls signed up separately, so you have to bring them with you.” Because dormitories will be divided directly during registration, boys and girls signed up separately.

Su Che led Ye Weiyi away.

The sophomore junior student expressed his friendliness to Su Yichen, "Junior student, don't mind, we will take you there later."

“That’s right, senior Su Che, he rejects all boys who are better-looking than him, so he may feel a little inferior to you when he sees you.”

According to Su Che's original words: I'm not good-looking enough, and I feel heartbroken when I see someone who is handsomer than me!

After Su Che led Ye Weiyi out for a certain distance, the fan that was waving to fan himself immediately changed its direction.

While fanning Ye Weiwei, he asked: "Sister Qiao, are you really a new student in our school?"

“Is the notice just now fake?”

 “That’s not what I meant, I just found it surprising.”

“Senior Su Che, do you know where my brother is now?”

“Of course, let’s go, I’ll take you there!”

Su Che patted his chest and took Ye Weiwei to the student union's territory.

Downstairs, just as they were about to walk in, they bumped into a girl standing at the door holding a pink letter to confess her love.

She said: "Senior Ye, please accept mine."

 (End of this chapter)

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