My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 376: Roommate: The cold and soft girl, the fairy fat house

Chapter 376 Roommate: The cold and soft girl, the fairy fat house

Su Che took a look and saw that a girl was confessing her love to Ye Xichen. He was embarrassed!

 “Sister Qiao, I really don’t know him…”

"Let's go there." Ye Weiwei's smile contained a hint of meaning, but just as she sped up and stepped forward, Xu Tangxi appeared next to Ye Xichen.

I don’t know what I said, but the girl who expressed her love gave up and ran away shouting: “I wish you happiness.”


 Happy as hell!

Ye Weiwei suddenly stopped and asked Su Che, "He has always been so popular in school, right?"

Su Che shook his head repeatedly, "Girls nowadays are too fierce. There's nothing we can do about it. Brother Chen rarely shows up in school now, so you have to seize the opportunity!"

Just because Ye Xichen comes and goes in a hurry, Shenlong never sees the end, and confessions of love happen on any occasion.

However, Su Che also said: "But Brother Chen never agreed. You said that he has the ability, family background and good looks. Why not find a beautiful woman to accompany him?"

Ye Ziyi made an insinuation, "Isn't Xu Tangxi who is standing next to him right now by his side?"

Su Che shook his head, "That's different. I've always thought that these two are a good match, but they haven't been together for four years, so it definitely won't work out."

Ye Ziwei nodded undeniably and asked Su Che, "Then do you think someone like me is a good match for Ye Xichen?"

Su Che looked at her and said, "In terms of looks, he is a handsome man and a beautiful girl, he is a match! He is smart, and he was admitted to the same school, he is a match! In terms of figure, he has the cutest height difference, he is a match!"

"Since you think it's a good match, then I'll confess to him. Do you think he will agree?"


Su Che couldn't help laughing at that time.

Ye Weiwei glared at him, "Senior Su Che, what's your reaction?"

Su Che laughed loudly, "You are his sister, can your confession be the same as others' confession?"

“Senior Su Che, I won’t **** you anymore. You will know one day. Now let’s go back and register.”

 “Aren’t you going to say hello to Brother Chen?”

 “Oh, I have a beautiful woman to keep me company, so I may not be needed.”

 She is no longer the little girl with low self-esteem.

As for Xu Tangxi, she was very concerned about it at first, but now, she does not think Xu Tangxi is her strong enemy.

 As Su Che said, if we haven't been together for four years or more, then what is there to worry about?

Ye Weiwei went back to register, and Su Che helped him through the back door.

 She quickly packed up her things and moved into the dormitory. Two of her roommates had already arrived.

One with heavy makeup, neat short hair, dressed maturely, named Leng Ruxue, looks like a royal sister.

 A girl with warm-colored cute makeup and medium-long chestnut hair tied with a pink ribbon is called Xia Xiyun. She has a sweet voice and a baby voice.

 As for her? Ladylike?

Ye Youwei has a rough idea of ​​how he looks in the eyes of others. After all, those little fairy calls are not for nothing.

 Everyone is packing their things. There are only a few things in the night, so they will be packed quickly.

 At this time, a fat girl bumped into the room.

 She was dragging two suitcases and carrying a heavy schoolbag. She asked in a friendly manner, "Well, can you help me?"

 Leng Ruxue was on the phone, focusing on the phone.

Xia Xiyun seems to be live broadcasting something about the first day of school.

Ye Yiyi was the only one. She walked over, stretched out her hand and moved the things next to the door, "I'll help you."

“Here, let me show you my college roommate.” Xia Xiyun’s live broadcast camera just moved around, showing a close-up of the sweaty face of the fat girl, and a line of ridicule arose in the comments.

Leng Ruxue and Xia Xiyun, these are the names you left in the guest house, claim them~



 (End of this chapter)

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