My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 381: This year’s school beauty candidates

Chapter 381 This year’s school beauty candidates

"No, I'm just accompanying my friends." Ye Weiwei pointed at the fat Luo Yuxi.

The dance club quit. "Xuemei Qiao, our dance club has requirements. Your friend has a body shape..."

Made it clear that she dislikes Luo Yuxi for being fat.

Luo Yuxi felt blushing at the time, but she still mustered up the courage to say: "Sister and senior, I have learned many dances by myself and have experience in choreography. Please let me try it."

Luo Yuxi seemed to like dancing very much, but the seniors disagreed and kept pestering Ye Weiwei.

“Sister Qiao Yan, why don’t you think about it again? Our dance club often holds activities and adds a lot of credits. Maybe you can get the credits that others take three years to complete in one semester.”

This difference in treatment is simply embarrassing.

Luo Yuxi sighed and whispered to her: "Qiao Ling, if you want to join, you can join. If you don't want to join, we can change the club."

Ye Weiwei glanced at her and suddenly asked: "If I join, can you let her join too?"

Senior sister and senior were stunned for a moment, and after some discussion, they were reluctant to give up Ye Weiwei's treasure, and reluctantly agreed that they should join the club together.

Luo Yuxi was very happy, "Qiao Ling, you are so kind. If it weren't for you, my dream of joining the dance club might not come true."

“Is joining a dance club a dream?”

“For me, everything I want to achieve is a dream.” Luo Yuxi smiled from the bottom of her heart.

Ye Weiwei looked at her carefully and realized that although Luo Yuxi was fat, her skin was very white and her facial features were straight.

If she loses weight, she might become a great beauty.

They were watching the club displays on the boulevard when suddenly two men and a woman with cameras ran over, "Senior Qiao Yan, can you please let us take two photos?"

Ye Youyi was confused. It didn’t matter that the whole school knew her. She would be bothered to death if they came to her for everything.

 There was no other way, so she just stood there and let people take two random pictures.

 Soon, a post about choosing a school beauty appeared on the school’s forum.

The debate on the school grass post was between Ye Xichen, Su Yichen, and a sophomore senior.

Ye Xichen is the three-time champion, but because he is now a senior and is basically not in school, some people think he should be excluded. But his looks were so incredible that the female nymphos were reluctant to part with him.

 The sophomore seniors competed with Su Yichen, some were old fans, but there were also people who liked Su Yichen, a new kid, so there was no quarrel there.

When it came time to choose the school beauties, there were only three people from their dormitory on the list at night, as well as the school beauties from the previous session, and the school beauties from the previous session.

 We all know that some girls look as good-looking as if they had plastic surgery, so there is also debate.

  When the poster posted a post about the school beauty, he received a lot of replies. He was pleased at first, but when he posted the photo of Ye Weiwei, he was almost worried to death!

The landlord sent it first, and sent a dozen responses for a minute. He asked the layer to be deleted.

The poster didn’t believe it, so he posted it again, but within ten seconds the post went into the recycle bin.

The poster applied to retrieve the post that was deleted by the system, but there was no response.

Su Che threw his cell phone in the dormitory: "Damn, there's something wrong with this post. Sister Qiao's photos can't be posted."

 Ye Xichen, who was typing on the computer at the table, let out a soft chuckle.

Suddenly, Su Che found that his trumpet was permanently locked in a dark room.

Su Che: "???"

Su Che scrolled through the posts unwillingly and saw the name of the dance club that ranked first: "Oh shit, sister Qiao has joined the dance club. Are you going to dance tonight?"

Su Che’s heart is broken. Brother Chen is such a scheming boy.



 (End of this chapter)

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