My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 382: Qiao Ling dances

Chapter 382 Qiao Ling dances

On the third day of school, Xia Xiyun proposed a dinner party, "Shall the four of us in the dormitory go out to have a meal together in the afternoon? It's considered acquaintance."

“By the way, I would like to ask if you have a boyfriend?”

 Leng Ruxue was silent.

Ye Weiwei shook his head.

Luo Yuxi stopped talking.

 But they all agreed with the dinner party.

I originally thought it was a dinner party for four people, but when I arrived, I discovered that there were actually three boys.

At first, Ye Weiwei and Luo Yuxi thought they were looking in the wrong place. Xia Xiyun suddenly ran over and held a boy's hand, explaining to them, "Sorry, I didn't tell you in advance, this is my boyfriend, and I Boyfriend’s friend.”

 The dinner party for four people in the dormitory suddenly became seven people, and the night was not suitable.

Luo Yuxi seemed to be focused on her mobile phone, and Leng Ruxue didn't speak from the beginning to the end.

  It used to be said that Yu Anran was aloof, but now Ye Yiyi discovered that Yu Anran is called indifferent, and only as cold as snow is called aloof.

Luo Yuxi spoke more openly and asked Xia Xiyun directly, "Wow, didn't you say four people had a dinner together?"

Xia Xiyun explained: "It was originally like this, but after my boyfriend found out, he said he wanted to invite the new roommate to dinner. I even said no, but he insisted."

Xia Xiyun glanced at her boyfriend, hoping that he would cooperate, but she found that her boyfriend's eyes almost fell on Ye Weiwei's face, and Xia Xiyun stepped on him under the table.

Xia Xiyun's boyfriend finally reacted, "Oh yes, I just want to ask all the beauties to take good care of our family Yunyun."

  We are all young people and haven’t eaten much. The two boys next to us are eager to make a move. One wants to be the only one in the night, and the other wants to be as cold as snow.

 Wanted their contact information, Ye Weiwei refused directly.

Luo Yuxi burst out laughing, deliberately disgusting them, "Handsome guy, if you want to add QQ and WeChat, just add me, I'll play with them!"

Xia Xiyunka glanced at Luo Yuxi with disgust on his face.

She just told her boyfriend about the situation in the dormitory, and they only brought the two best friends, not taking the fat man into consideration at all.

 Halfway through the meal, Ye Weiwei already understood the meaning of this dinner party.

 She put down her chopsticks, wiped her mouth and stood up, "Sorry, my club still has activities, I have to leave first."

Luo Yuxi also stood up, "Yes, yes, our dance club still has to dance, bye."

 After the club recruits new members, it starts to prepare for activities, because in two months it will be the school’s club night.

Ye Weiwei and Luo Yuxi joined the dance club, hoping to become part-time officials and part-timers.

Ye Ziwei didn't care, she mainly stayed with Luo Yuxi.

There were about thirty or forty people running for election, and the president asked them to show off their talents.

 The dance club naturally needs to be able to dance. Everyone has finished performing, and there are still a few left.

Luo Yuxi took the initiative to raise her hand, and she stood up, making everyone laugh.

Ye Weiwei pursed her lips and felt a little unhappy.

Those people only saw Luo Yuxi being funny, but failed to see that her dancing was actually very good.

The president personally called Ye Weiyi’s name and said, “Senior Qiao Yan, please go up.”

 “Me? I’m not here to run.”

"How can that be done? You and everyone are here. Come up quickly."

Being looked at by so many pairs of eyes, Ye Weiyi had to stand up.

But just as she was walking forward, the person next to her suddenly stretched out her legs. Ye Weiyi didn't pay attention to her feet. She picked up that foot and fell straight forward...

 (End of this chapter)

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