My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 388: Lure Qiao Ling out to get her

Chapter 388: Lure Qiao Ling out to get her

Xia Moying handed a text message on her phone to Luo Yuxi: "Luo Yuxi, do you know why you were kicked out of the dance club? Because Qiao Ling told the president that as long as she kicked you out, she would agree to dance. ”

 “I don’t want to talk nonsense to you.”

"What nonsense? Please take a good look and see if this is the only QQ in the night, eh?"

 Xia Moying clicked on the avatar of the anime Nanai Sheng, and the QQ number and password that appeared were exactly the same as Ye Weiyi's.

Luo Yuxi opened her mouth in shock. That profile picture and QQ number were definitely Ye Weiyi's.

Xia Moying smiled and looked at Luo Yuxi as if she were giving him alms, "The president showed it to me because he has a good relationship with me. I saw that you were kept in the dark and you were ignorant, so I felt that you were quite pitiful." I’m kind enough to tell you.”

Luo Yuxi struggled and rebutted at first, and finally fell silent.

"It's not that I dislike you. Look at your appearance. Qiao Li took you with him and made it clear that he wanted you to wear green leaves and flowers, but you still cuddled up stupidly. Didn't you mean to be used?"

Xia Moying put away her phone and continued to educate her, "I'm different. Although I don't like you very much, I'll tell you the truth. I just can't stand Qiao Li's hypocritical face."

Luo Yuxi had a cold face and asked calmly: "So, what do you want?"

Xia Moying glanced at Ye Zihan, and Ye Zihan patted Luo Yuxi on the shoulder, "Tomorrow, make an appointment with Qiao Liao outside the school."

Luo Yuxi asked in confusion: "What are you doing outside the school?"

Ye Zihan shrugged, "We just want her to apologize to me. It won't look good if the school is noisy."

Luo Yuxi was silent for a while and told them that they needed to think about it.

After Luo Yuxi left, Xia Moying and Ye Zihan stood there and smiled proudly.

Xia Moying took out her phone again and opened the message she just received. In fact, it was just a small software made with money.

 “That fat man is really stupid, he believed it so easily.”

 “Yingying, you are smarter, you can get Qiao Liao after you trick her out!”

"Of course, she dared to splash water and embarrass me in public. I will definitely not spare her tomorrow! Huh!" Xia Moying seemed to have imagined the pitiful appearance of Ye Weiwei being bullied to the point of kneeling down to beg for mercy. She was very proud.

 When Luo Yuxi returned to the dormitory, the other three were there.

Leng Ruxue was putting on makeup. She had changed into a set of mature clothes and had a bag beside her, as if she was about to go out.

Xia Xiyun is doing live broadcasts. She makes money through live broadcasts. She has gained a large number of fans because of her sweet voice and good looks.

 As for the only night...

 The only one playing games at night!

I originally thought that a top student like her would not be studying hard every day, but who knew that she only played games in private and did not look like a top student at all.

Luo Yuxi missed seeing her rank and suddenly sighed, "Qiaoqiao, I didn't expect you to play the game so well."

"It's okay, I just kill time occasionally." She felt a little guilty when she said it. She was a handicapped player who climbed out of the rookie pile, but now no one dares to say that she is no good.

“I really envy you. You are good-looking, have a good figure, and have a good mind. You can even play games.”

 “No, you’re great too.”

 “Qiaoqiao, are you busy tomorrow?”

"Tomorrow?" Ye Weiwei rolled his eyes, thought for a while, and shook his head, "We only have four classes tomorrow, it's okay."

Luo Yuxi hesitated and said, "Then I will take you somewhere tomorrow."

  Then the question is, will Luo Yuxi betray the little bell?



 (End of this chapter)

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