My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 389: man hiding in toilet

Chapter 389 The man hiding in the toilet

Luo Yuxi took Ye Weiwei to the place given by Xia Moying.

Luo Yuxi was very nervous, but Ye Weiwei seemed to be in a good mood.

 This is an animation-themed entertainment hall outside the school. There are separate small private rooms inside. You can choose any theme style you like.

When Ye Weiwei came in, he looked around and said, "This place is quite pretty."

Luo Yuxi was still very nervous when she saw her looking so relaxed and at ease, "Qiaoqiao, is it really okay?"

“Of course, what are you afraid of? Take me there quickly.”

The only thing Ye Wei didn't expect was that before he could get out and take action, those two reckless people would come to the door.

 The two of them were talking as they walked.

Su Yichen happened to be out with his roommate. When he heard a familiar voice, he immediately said goodbye to his roommate.

He wanted to go over and say hello to Ye Weiyi, but saw Ye Weiyi and the fat girl entering an anime-themed private room.

 After entering, I closed the door.

Su Yichen stood at the door for a moment and was about to leave, but suddenly he noticed a man sneaking around here.

Su Yichen frowned and suddenly stopped leaving.

 Inside the themed private room.

Ye Weiwei followed Luo Yuxi in and saw Xia Moying and Ye Zihan waiting there.

Ye was the only one who was shocked, "It's actually you?"

Xia Moying laughed loudly, "You didn't expect to see us here. Let me tell you, the so-called friend next to you listened to our words and brought you here on purpose."

Hearing Xia Moying's words, Ye Weiwei turned to look at Luo Yuxi, who did not refute.

Ye Zihan also added insult to injury, "Qiao Li, we will give you another chance. Now kneel down and apologize, and beg our Yingying to forgive you!"

I thought Ye Youyi would be scared, but I saw her sitting leisurely on the sofa next to her, clasping her hands, acting like a young lady from a rich family.

Xia Moying rushed over and tried to grab her by the collar. Ye Weiwei gave her a slight flick and pushed Xia Moying onto the glass coffee table behind her, making a loud noise.

Xia Moying sat down on the ground, holding her waist and shouting "Ouch" all the time, "You, you, you, how dare you!"

 Ye Zihan hurriedly walked over to help her up, but Ye Weiwei suddenly stretched out his foot.

With a "bang", Ye Zihan fell to the ground face to face.

Luo Yuxi leaned against the door, surprised, then clapped and cheered, "Okay, it's really good!"

Xia Moying and Ye Zihan wanted to get up, but Ye Weiwei put a foot on each side and asked them, "Is it fun?"

Ye Zihan roared, "Qiao Li, you are crazy!"

Xia Moying turned to look at the toilet and shouted, "Why don't you get out of there and save me!"

 The toilet door opened, and two men who looked like bodyguards came out.

Xia Moying scolded them, "If you see this young lady being bullied, why don't you fight back immediately! I'll ask my dad to fire you!"

The bodyguard expressed his innocence, "Didn't you say, Miss, that I must obey your orders..."

“There’s so much nonsense, why don’t we catch this crazy woman Qiao Ling!”

The bodyguard got the order and went straight to Ye Weiwei.

Trained and physically strong bodyguards have no problem dealing with a girl, but what they are facing is Ye Weiwei!

Ye’s only master is Shirley, who has won the world championship!

 Shirley's original women's grappling, Ye Weiyi learned the essence.

It was easy to deal with two ordinary bodyguards, and he knocked down two big men with just a few moves.

Hearing the scream, Su Yichen suddenly broke into the door!

Are you happy? I said the little bell will become stronger~

I kinda want to see Su Yichen playing tricks...



 (End of this chapter)

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