My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 396: Qiao Ling's life experience exposed

Chapter 396 Qiao Ling’s life experience exposed

Ye Weiwei accepted the business card Leng Ruxue handed her. On it was a man's name, Li Jianguo.

 One look at this can make you think of the appearance of a middle-aged uncle.

"what do you mean?"

Ye Weiwei held up his business card, the guilty expression on his face faded, and he was a little unhappy.

Leng Ruxue hesitated for a moment, with a trace of confusion flashing in her eyes, but she still said: "This man is rich, and he wants to change his taste recently. If you go, with your appearance, you can definitely..."

 At this point, Ye Weiyi understood.

 “Leng Ruxue, do you know what you are talking about?”

Originally, I thought that individuals had their own personal difficulties. Even if they did something that was not very good, it was still their own choice.

But now Leng Ruxue actually wants to drag her in?

 Have you ever had such a deceptive roommate?

“You are still admitted to this university. Did the education you received from childhood let you do this kind of thing? I knew it before but didn’t expose you, but now, you have gone too far!”

Ye Weiwei glanced at the business card in his hand, threw it **** the ground, and showed his sarcasm without hesitation, "Don't think that others like to have their dignity trampled on as much as you do!"

This kind of person does not need to be respected at all!

Leng Ruxue frowned and bent down to pick up the business card from the ground.

Ye Weiwei returned to the dormitory angrily.

 She never imagined that the roommate she would spend three or four years with would be such a person!

Luo Yuxi, who didn't know the situation, called her into the game, "Qiaoqiao, please continue to level up. You are just a little bit away from reaching the full level. I can take you with me to do daily activities in the future."

 “Wait a minute, I’ll turn on the computer.”

Two game missions have been logged in. A charming adult woman and a cute little loli are fighting monsters in the crowd to level up.

 Luo Yuxi suddenly received a call, "Qiaoqiao, please wait a moment, my mother called me."

When Luo Yuxi answered the phone, Ye's only game character was waiting there.

After a while, Luo Yuxi hung up the phone and said she was going downstairs, "My mother gave me something, I want to go down and pick it up."

"Then I'll go with you." Anyway, Luo Yuxi needs to be with you to complete that mission.

Luo Yuxi was very happy. The two of them went downstairs and saw a middle-aged woman. Luo Yuxi ran over happily.

“Luoluo, why have you lost weight since you haven’t been home in the past few weeks?”

“Lose weight? Mom, are you telling the truth? Stop trying to make me happy.”

 “You’re really thin. Did you not eat well at school?”

"How can you not? I have eaten well. If not, ask my friend." Luo Yuxi fell back and pulled Ye Weiwei to her.

Mother Luo looked up and felt that the girl's features were quite familiar.

Ye Youwei greeted obediently, "Hello, aunt, I am Luoluo's friend."

Luo's mother tentatively asked: "Luo Luo's friend, what is your name?"

She smiled: "My name is Qiao Ling."

Naluo’s mother’s expression suddenly became nervous, “You’re not from here, are you?”

 Ye Weiwei nodded, "Well, I'm from S City."

Luo’s mother asked again: “Qiao Li... you, what’s your mother’s name?”

 “Huh?” Ye Weiwei was confused.

Luo Yuxi quickly smoothed things over, "Mom, how do you check people's household registration?"

Mama Luo looked straight at Ye Weiwei and asked, "Little girl, tell me, what is your mother's name?"

Ye Weiwei hesitated for a moment, but still told her, "My mother's name is Hua Qianhui."

 “Bang—” The bag in Luo’s mother’s hand instantly fell to the ground.

 “Oh my god, I lost my crayfish!”

Open your imagination and guess what is the relationship between Luo’s mother and Xiao Lingdang’s mother?



 (End of this chapter)

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