My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 397: Ye Jia is your enemy

Chapter 397 Ye Jia is your enemy

“Miss Qiao, after all these years, I finally see you again.” Mother Luo actually cried on the spot.

Ye Weiwei opened his eyes wide, "So Auntie, do you know my mother?"

It was just a matter of helping my roommate carry something, but it turned into acknowledging a relative.

Mama Luo said that she and her husband were both employees of Qiao’s at the beginning.

“My husband and I were having some difficulties in life at the beginning, but it was Mr. Qiao who gave us the opportunity.”

The Luo family was originally from City S. Luo's mother was a nurse working in the hospital, and she happened to become Hua Qianhui's nurse.

Mother Luo gave birth to her daughter and taught her her experience. After getting familiar with each other, Hua Qianhui felt pity for their family's situation and asked her husband to give them a chance in the company.

Unexpectedly, Father Luo was very motivated, down-to-earth, hard-working and sincere. This original relationship between master and servant gave birth to a friendship, so the two families were very familiar with each other at that time.

  It’s just that Luo’s mother started wiping away tears after talking about it, “It’s a pity that God has no eyes and good people don’t live long.”

 Ye Weiwei felt uneasy as she listened to the past events that she once didn't know about.

“I originally thought that I would never have the chance to see you again, but I didn’t expect that I would be lucky enough to meet you today. Thank you very much for your blessing, sir and madam.”

"Auntie, don't call me miss." Her family has long been in decline, and she is no longer a rich lady.

Keluo's mother shook her head and refused to change her words, "No, your family was kind to us back then. No matter what happens to the Qiao family, you are still the Miss Qiao we respect!"

Luo Yuxi was very confused when she heard all this. Her good friend actually had such a deep connection with her family!

“Qiaoqiao, if it had been in ancient times, my mother would have forced me to kneel down and be your maid!”

 “Lolo, stop joking.”

“No, no, no, you are now the most important person in our Luo family.”

 On this day, Ye Weiwei was invited to Luo's house.

The Luo family almost wanted to worship her like a Bodhisattva.

“Miss Qiao, Luoluo’s father has something to talk to you alone.”

She walked to the backyard with Dad Luo without knowing why. Dad Luo looked at her deeply and knelt down directly.

"Uncle, what are you doing?" Ye Weiwei reached out to help him, but Luo's father seemed to have roots under his feet and remained motionless.

“Miss Qiao, I, Luo Tianxiang, am sorry for you!”

 “Uncle Luo, you get up first.”

Ye Weiwei went to help him, but Luo’s father refused to let him go.

"Miss, listen to me, there are some things that I have been holding in my heart for more than ten years. Every time the dream comes back to me at midnight, I feel uneasy. I thought I would keep it buried for a lifetime, but I didn't expect that God would let our family meet you again." Father Luo There is a profound meaning in these words.

"what do you mean?"

“When Mr. Qiao was killed, someone deliberately suppressed him and wanted to acquire him. When Mr. Qiao refused, those people planned to use despicable means to kill him!”

 “Do you know who it is?”

"I..." Luo's father hesitated to speak.

Ye Weiwei took a deep breath and said, "Uncle Luo, you know, do you know right? Tell me quickly, tell me who killed my father!"

“There were several people who joined forces at the beginning. I don’t know everything about it, but there is one person I’m sure of. It was your father’s good friend back then—Ye Hantian!”

Yeye Weiyi felt that her legs were weak and she almost knelt on the ground.

I knew it was related to the Ye family, but when I heard someone say it for sure, I felt so shocked...

“You, how can you prove that you had a good relationship with my family?”

 She seemed unwilling to believe the answer.

Luo Tianxiang was anxious, "Miss, please believe us, I, I have evidence!"

Spoiler alert: In the next chapter, Xiao Lingdang will know that Grandma Qiao is her biological grandmother~



 (End of this chapter)

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