My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 398: Mrs. Qiao is my grandmother

Chapter 398 Mrs. Qiao is my grandma

 Ye Yiwei's heartstrings tightened, "What evidence?"

"Miss, please come with me." Father Luo took her into the study and took out a photo album.

The photo album is opened and arranged according to the annual calendar.

Dad Luo rummaged through it very quickly, as if he had a deep memory of those things, but in the end, about a third of the way through, his movements slowed down.

 “Look, miss.”

Papa Luo showed her the photos on those pages, there were four or five of them, and she could recognize them at a glance as those of her parents when they were young, when they were still holding a baby in their arms.

“Miss, you were too young at the time and have no memory of us.”

Luo's father found a few pictures, showing how her mother and Luo's mother looked when they were young. At that time, one was holding a baby and the other was holding a two or three-year-old child. It should be her and Luo Yuxi.

 There are some records written in pen characters at the back.

The only thing Ye recognized was her father's handwriting.

She has been collecting some of the relics left by her parents, and occasionally takes them out to look at. The handwriting on them is exactly the same as the one in this photo.

 Actually, with all this, she had nothing to doubt.

 It turns out that it was all true...

Ye Weiwei looked at the photo carefully, caressing his parents’ faces that had been frozen in time, and felt so soft in his heart.

Although there are not many, those few photos are full of memories.

She almost shed tears when she looked at it, and her fingers suddenly touched a photo of a ward with several people standing in the background.

 There are her parents and her as a newborn, as well as what Luo’s father and Luo’s mother looked like when they were young, and there is another one... who looks like Grandma Qiao!

 Just like Grandma Qiao when she was young!

Ye Youwei pointed there with his finger, trembling a little, "Who is this...who is this person?"

Papa Luo lowered his head and took a closer look, "Oh, this is your grandma, Mr. Qiao's mother."

 Hearing Luo's father's explanation, Ye Weiwei's hand suddenly slipped from the photo album.

 “That person is? My grandma?”

“That’s right, when you were born, that elder appeared once. I didn’t know him very well, but I remember this photo clearly.”

Ye Weiwei shook his head.

She simply couldn't believe it and didn't dare to accept the truth.

"how can that be possible!"

It is basically impossible for her face to change drastically between her forties and fifties. She was convinced that the person in the photo was Mrs. Qiao whom she had met a few years ago!

How could it be, how could it be her biological grandmother?

 At the beginning, what did they say?

Mrs. Qiao said that Li Moer was her granddaughter. Nangong Luo said that Li Moer's grandmother had passed away long ago. Ye Xichen said that Mrs. Qiao recognized Li Moer as her granddaughter because of her cooperation with the Ye family.

 After going round and round, it turns out that Mrs. Qiao just happened to like Li Mo'er? Or was Mrs. Qiao’s original intention to come back to look for her?



 Luo Tianxiang called her twice but couldn't get the memory back. Seeing her in a daze, he thought she was recalling bad things in the past.

"Miss, don't be too sad, the matter has passed."

"How could the past... pass! My father, his death was not a natural disaster but a man-made disaster! Do you know that I have wanted to find the murderer of my parents for how many years?"

 She left the stable life of Yejia, and she worked hard to get into this college, not just to follow that person.

Just because she doesn’t say it doesn’t mean she has forgotten the Qiao family’s hatred!

"It's impossible to pass. Uncle Luo, tell me. Tell me everything you know!"

 (End of this chapter)

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