Chapter 409 Wine

"Sorry Mr. Li, I misunderstood before. She is actually not that kind of girl." Leng Ruxue no longer planned to introduce Ye Weiwei to Li Jianguo.

But it’s over, “I don’t care whether you misunderstood or not, after all, labor and management have taken a liking to her. Call her over. I don’t believe she won’t be tempted after seeing the money!”

  After all, Ye’s only good looks are there, and it’s not easy to arouse a man’s thoughts.

 “Mr. Li, her family has money.”

“Okay, come and stay with me at noon.”

 “I have class this afternoon.”

“Then ask for leave! The reason why labor and management give you so much money is to make you obedient!”

Leng Ruxue resisted the nauseating desire in her heart and agreed.

But I never thought that Ye Weiwei, who had just left, suddenly walked over from the side, "So, you gave my photo to others? Are you making a deal?"

 Leng Ruxue frowned, "It was a misunderstanding before."

 "Misunderstanding..." This word really makes me want to laugh when I hear it, "Leng Ruxue, if it is a misunderstanding, then tell me the truth."

"I'm sorry, that's my private matter." Leng Ruxue's eyes dodge, obviously avoiding.

 Happily, Ye Weiwei didn't intend to let her go.

 After four years of college, she should get to know this person, so as not to know when he was tricked!

"You provoked me, and now you say it's a private matter. Leng Ruxue, you probably don't know. I am a person who must avenge my revenge!"

"What do you want?"

 “I want to know your story.”


 In the afternoon, Leng Ruxue still asked for leave.

 She went to the theme private room, where the sponsor Li Jianguo was already waiting for her.



The donor poured her a glass of wine, and Leng Ruxue drank it without asking anything.

 But after a while, I felt a strange feeling in my body, as if it was hot...

 She did this kind of thing, and it was easy to relate to those bad medicines, "You, what did you give me to drink?"

 “Wine.” The patron picked up the wine glass and handed it to her.

 Leng Ruxue waved it away directly.

But the sponsor laughed loudly, "Xiaoxue, do you know why you can stay with me for so long? I just like your temper, it's so delicious!"

Leng Ruxue leaned against the wall, unable to suppress the deepening of his breathing.

Her body felt very uncomfortable, and the feeling of being out of control made people feel very insecure.

 “Go up.”

The investor glanced at the large sofa and motioned for her to take the initiative.

Leng Ruxue hugged herself tightly and shook her head.

 Her resistance has exhausted the sponsor's patience, "Just because I praise you for your personality, doesn't mean you can reject me! You've been dragged along and you haven't gotten used to it after doing it so many times?"

 Leng Ruxue shook her head, trying hard to stay awake, "Why...why did you drug me?"

The funder sighed, "It's not that your reaction is too cold. This time, just enjoy it!"

I was dissatisfied with her previous response, so this time I got medicine to help?

"I do not want."

 Leng Ruxue could not accept herself like that.

But the sponsor was unwilling to coax her any more, "Stop pretending to be innocent in front of me, get up here!"

Leng Ruxue shook his head, "No, I have something to do today, so I'll leave first."

Leng Ruxue reached the door handle with her hand, but was suddenly pulled back by the benefactor.

"Xiaoxue, don't forget that your mother is still lying in the hospital bed. I paid for the medicine. If you walk out of this door today, I will call the hospital to check out the ward immediately!"

 The financial owner threatens.

 Leng Ruxue almost fell to his knees on the ground.

  Leng Ruxue has a cp, guess who it is?



 (End of this chapter)

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