My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 410: missing roommate

 Chapter 410 The Disappearing Roommate

 Her mother is in hospital and she needs money! Even if she suffers, she has no right to resist.

 Leng Ruxue closed her eyes in despair and shed a tear.

She and her mother were dependent on each other, and it was her mother who worked hard to pull her up. Later, her mother fell ill due to overwork, and they had no money to treat her.

 At that time, she met Li Jianguo.

When Li Jianguo proposed a deal, she refused without hesitation and began to work hard to find a job.

 But the part-time jobs she could find were very low-paying, and even if she worked continuously during the day and night, she would not be able to make enough money.

 She tried many ways, but none were enough, and there was no one to borrow from.

 At that time, Li Jianguo had a strong interest in her and appeared often.

  Until the doctor gave her an ultimatum, she had no choice but to agree.

 Later, my mother had enough money to be hospitalized, but she still had one life left.

 She has been living in dire straits.

 Because what she experienced was more painful than ordinary!

Li Jianguo couldn't do it himself, so he kept trying to use different things to arouse his desire to conquer.

Recently, Li Jianguo has gradually lost interest in her and wants to find someone else, promising that if she introduces the right person, he can get his freedom and a large amount of money.

Leng Ruxue was very excited about this condition, but she didn't dare to find anyone at will.

  Until I misunderstood that the only woman in the night was also motivated by money, I tried to... I didn't expect that I dug a hole for myself to jump into.

 By now, she must have reaped the consequences.

If it weren't for her mother...If it weren't for her mother, she would rather die!


“The food in the cafeteria is really terrible. Let’s eat outside the school today.” Xia Xiyun also suggested eating outside the school, but most of the time there were only gatherings between the three of them.

“Why aren’t you here? Why don’t you call and ask?”

 “No need, she seems quite busy.”

"What? I didn't hear anything happened to her. She just disappears all day long." Xia Xiyun is a girl with a temper that comes and goes quickly. She was quite critical of Leng Ruxue. What are you busy with? It’s like a three-person dormitory.”

Luo Yuxi shook her head, obviously not taking what happened that day to her heart.

  But as the only one who knew about it, she could only remain silent.

You shouldn't get involved in other people's affairs, but if you live in the same dormitory, you can't really pretend that others don't exist.

 Under her questioning, Leng Ruxue only said one sentence: "I need money, so it's fair to make deals with others."

That was probably Leng Ruxue’s pride.

 The only thing I felt in the night was a heavy heart.

 The phone vibrated suddenly. She picked it up and looked at it, and answered the call from her senior brother Gao Mengnan.

 Elder brother said that he had just arrived in G city and would stay here for a few days to participate in a competition.

Ye Weiwei was happy because they were the only disciples Shirley recognized and had always had a good relationship. Her senior brother also doted on her.

At the moment when she was participating in the competition, her senior brother had promised to come to the school to visit her.

 “Senior Brother welcomes you, I’m so happy!”

"Don't worry, little junior sister, I will find time to come find you, that is, where you are..." The senior brother wanted to say something, but hesitated, seeming a little embarrassed.


After hemming and hawing for a long time, the senior brother couldn't help but ask her, "Junior sister, do you still have my favorite brand of lollipops there?"

 Yeweiyi: “…”

Did you come to visit her to eat lollipops?

This is not her tall and mighty senior brother, it must not be!

The sponsor is not good enough, so Leng Ruxue is actually still... well, still clean



 (End of this chapter)

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