My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 411: Hero saves beauty

Chapter 411 The hero saves the beauty

 Senior brother Gao Mengnan followed the address to the Finance School to look for Ye Weiwei. On the way, he accidentally saw a middle-aged man touching the female college student. He immediately rushed up and gave him a flying kick!

Li Jianguo was kicked in the **** and fell to the ground.

Leng Ruxue was completely unprepared for everything and stared blankly at a macho man holding a rainbow lollipop in his mouth.

Senior Brother has always had a chivalrous heart to use force to eliminate evil, and he is also a bit... single-minded.

When the senior brother saw that the middle-aged wretched man was still not leaving, he raised his feet, made gestures with his hands, and made a ferocious expression on his face. He forgot that he still had a rainbow lollipop in his mouth!

With a couple of grunts, the senior brother took out the lollipop and threw it back, seemingly carelessly, but he threw it impartially into the trash can.

 “Why don’t you get out of here and wait to be beaten?”

Finance owner Li Jianguo looked confused. Seeing that the elder brother was so aggressive and difficult to provoke, he cursed a few words and left angrily.

After finishing the matter, the senior brother turned around and looked at Leng Ruxue. He saw that she did not speak or move from beginning to end, so he thought she was frightened.

The senior brother immediately rolled up his sleeves and showed off his muscles, "Don't be afraid, sister, I can help you solve all your troubles with just one fist!"

Leng Ruxue reacted and said thank you.

 Elder brother waved his hand to express that you are welcome.

Leng Ruxue is going back to school, and her senior brother is following behind.

 Leng Ruxue couldn't help but take a few more glances and found that this big man had been following her, which made her a little uneasy.

 Because this person is not a student of the college at first glance!

Leng Ruxue was very wary of the outside world, so she immediately sped up and ran forward.

When the senior brother saw her running, he followed her inexplicably. Leng Ruxue suddenly stopped and asked, "What do you want to do?"

The senior brother stopped steadily and scratched his head stupidly, "I saw you running, so I ran after you twice."

 “Why are you following me?”

“Hi, no, I just dropped by the school to find my junior sister.”

This path is only for the School of Finance.

Leng Ruxue sighed and continued walking forward, but she heard Gao Mengnan calling in a rough voice from behind, "Junior sister, I'm coming."

 Ye Weiwei said on the phone to wait for him at the school gate.

Gao Mengnan made the final decision, "Okay, wait for me at the door!"

Leng Ruxue walked to the school gate and found Ye Weiwei and Luo Yuxi standing there and watching.

Their eyes met. When Leng Ruxue saw Ye Youyi, she hesitated and walked over.

 At this moment, the senior brother happened to be here too.

 “Little junior sister, I miss you so much.”

Elder brother ran towards her enthusiastically, but instead of hugging, the two of them waved their fists, while Ye Weiwei stretched out her hand to resist.

Elder brother didn't let his attack slip. If Ye Weiwei couldn't catch it, she would definitely get a punch.

But the amazing thing is that Ye Weiyi steadily caught every move of his senior brother, and even the fight between the two was a tacit understanding.

 “Sir, your lollipop is gone!”

The only threat in the night, senior brother immediately stopped.

 It was as if the big tiger suddenly turned into a little sheep, "Junior sister, we can make an agreement."

Leng Ruxue watched their interaction and was very shocked when she heard their exchange.

Such a rough and fierce man is actually the only senior brother of Ye, who is known as the little fairy!

The two people looked at each other, and they both bumped into her affair with the funder Li Jianguo...

Leng Ruxue’s heartbeat accelerated and she felt very uneasy.

I don’t know what the donor was thinking. Just as he left in anger, he called her again and asked her to come back.

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 (End of this chapter)

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