My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 421: Game love

Chapter 421 Game Love

 “Miss Lingdang, are you there?”


“I know she is your roommate Luo Luo. When chatting with her, she mentioned that you have a good relationship and wanted to add her as a friend.”

 It feels weird to add her as a friend because of this reason...

 But the only thing I have to do is add it overnight.

  Not good at chatting privately with others about irrelevant things, let alone a boy.

  The only feeling that the night gives people right now is that sense of mystery.

A very rich newbie who is still in her prime. You can imagine that she is a rich second generation. People who participate in class activities are easily familiar, but she never talks nonsense with others in the group or YY, and silently practices her skills. stand up.

This kind of person cannot be ignored in the gang, because it makes people full of curiosity.

Luo Yuxi’s Qingyuan Zhijian is the deputy gang leader, and it is said that she has a good relationship with the gang leader.

Hand the sword, he contacted her and told her one thing, "Miss Lingdang, our gang happens to lack a manager as active as you. Are you willing to learn to manage the gang?"

 Is this going to promote her?

 This is really a beautiful misunderstanding!

 The so-called active participation in activities is because Luo Yuxi likes to invite her to play with her.

Luo Yuxi is not an Internet-addicted girl, at least she won't delay her business for games, so she takes this opportunity to relax and have no plans to become a leader.

Ye Weiwei refused without thinking.

 A few days later, Luo Yuxi started to get her to play in the arena.

 It is a PK game in which several people form a group and several versus several.

 They were willing to bring novices with them because they had a playful mentality, so they formed a group of five people.

Luo Yuxi is in a relationship with her and the gang leader is the dps who is responsible for fighting. Ye Weiwei and another girl in the gang with the ID "天色夜" are the wet nurses.

 When you play this, do you need to open the wheat?

 The only time I heard that the microphone was going to be turned on was when I said no.

Luo Yuxi hurriedly persuaded her, "It doesn't matter, just have fun. You don't have to turn on the mic."

 They are relatively good at playing and can judge their own skills, so it is not a big deal.

 Ye Weiwei also compromised, and a few people began to wipe the floor in the arena... No, it was to defeat the enemy and reach the top of the game!

Probably because she had watched Nangong Luo play various games before, Ye Weiyi had some understanding of them, so she got started quickly and everyone praised her.

However, the other wet nurse was not very happy when it got late and always accused her of not opening the mic and not knowing her skills even after she handed them over.

Ye Weiwei simply stopped fighting and went to sleep.

 She doesn’t care what strangers think!

Luo Yuxi thought she was angry, so she came to comfort her with a few words.

Ye Weiwei smiled and shook his head, "I'm not angry, Luo Luo, don't worry."

When Luo Yuxi felt relieved, she unexpectedly received a private message from Luo Yuxi.

“It’s late and I’m outspoken, but I don’t mean any harm, so don’t take it to heart.”

Ye Weiwei really didn't take it to heart, but the recent behavior of holding the sword made her feel baffled.

Ye Weiwei couldn't help but ask Luo Yuxi, "Do you like your game relationship?"

Luo Yuxi seemed a little shy, but bravely answered her, "I like it."

The only thing Ye knows is that they have been together for a year.

“Is it the kind of like? I mean, the love kind.”

Luo Yuxi nodded, "In the beginning, we just had a good time with friends and relatives. Later, after we played together more, we got together."

“But if you fall in love with someone in the game, will you meet in person?”

“…” Luo Yuxi suddenly fell silent, “Not everyone is as good a match as you and Ye Xichen.”

 (End of this chapter)

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