My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 422: Childhood Sweethearts vs. Skyfall Series

Chapter 422: Childhood Sweethearts vs. Skyfall Series

 Ever since Ye Weiyi asked about online dating, Luo Yuxi has not been online for two consecutive days.

Ye Weiyi blamed herself. She probably accidentally hurt Luo Yuxi by asking something she shouldn't have asked.

For this reason, she in turn invited Luo Yuxi to play games, hoping that she would cheer up again.

"I think the arena last time was quite fun. Luoluo, please take me to play again."

Luo Yuxi shook her head and said, "You don't even turn on the mic, so it's not convenient for communication."

Ye Weiwei hesitated for a moment and asked tentatively: "What about me? Can I turn on a voice changer?"

Luo Yuxi was puzzled, "Why? Your voice is so nice, why do you need a voice changer?"

"I just feel weird. Anyway, I probably need a protective shell." She couldn't express the feeling in her heart, but that was probably what she meant.

Luo Yuxi agreed.

Ye Weiwei turned on the voice changer this time, and she had a very ordinary girl’s voice.

Just like that, her technology improved by leaps and bounds.

The people in the gang basically formed a team when she came online, because nannies are a rare species and everyone wants them!

Especially, they like this kind of young lady who is rich and doesn’t flirt around.

Until one day, Ye Weiwei saw them chatting randomly in the group.

The gang leader said he was going to G city for a business trip, and someone mentioned that the deputy gang leader Luo Yuxi was studying in G city.

The gang leader joked, "I'm going to see the young lady for a face-to-face interview."

Luo Yuxi was not convinced about the relationship, so she said at that time: "I'll make an appointment with my little cutie first."

This was so scary that Luo Yuxi was stunned.

 She said in a joking tone in the group: "I weigh 200 pounds. If you are not afraid, just come."

 Luo Yuxi does not weigh 200 pounds, but she is really fat...

 But everyone in the group didn’t believe it, and all agreed, “Luoluo must be a beautiful little fairy with a sweet voice!”

Luo Yuxi couldn't help but glance at Ye Weiwei, who happened to turn his head to look at her. The two of them knew it well, but no one said anything.

At this time, Luo Yuxi's Qingyuan chatted with her privately again, "Miss Lingdang, I would like to take the liberty to ask about Luo Luo's situation."


“Luoluo’s birthday is coming soon. I want to give Luoluo a gift. I see that she often sends some accessories on the space, so I want to give her a bracelet. I just want to know her wrist size?”

Looking at how sincere he said it, Ye Weiyi couldn't tell whether their one-year relationship was true or false.

 But she thought quickly.

If you tell the person holding the sword the size of your wrist, wouldn't it be equivalent to exposing Luo Yuxi's figure?

I don’t even dare to think about it!

Ye Weiwei refused and told him, "It's better to ask the person involved about this kind of thing."

 Because of this kind of thing, Ye Weiwei was not online for two days in a row.

Luo Yuxi has been full of things on her mind recently.

Until Luo Yuxi couldn't help but complain to her, "He said he wanted to meet me. I told him I was fat, but he said he didn't care. In our relationship of more than a year, apart from meeting each other, we got along better than rivals in a long-distance relationship." It’s all good. We have common interests and are indispensable companionship. I cherish this relationship. He said he hopes to get to know each other better. What should I do?”

 When Ye Ziyi heard this news, he understood it instantly!

Luo Yuxi’s love interest wants to meet her, so show up!

Be a good boy...

This news frightened her, because she had no concept at all!

 The person she likes has been with her since childhood!

Even when I first witnessed Kitano and Yu Anran’s relationship, they flirted with each other face to face for two years!

Unable to imagine, Luo Yuxi asked her: "Do you think I should agree?"

  Thanks for the reward of "I'm Hard to Coax, Summer, Girl's Heroic Dream, Yi Ge Xiaoxi"~

The top three in the weekly list: It’s hard for me to coax, Listen to the sound of rain, and The wind is blowing. Please contact Chinese Valentine’s Day before next Friday to collect physical gifts.

Regarding the red envelopes for the top ten rewards in the overall list, please pay attention to tomorrow’s chapter



 (End of this chapter)

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