My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 430: lip marks on his face

Chapter 430 The lip marks on his face

 A beautifully wrapped gift box was placed in front of her, and a smile instantly broke out on Ye Weiyi's face, "What is this?"

Ye Xichen said mysteriously: "Open it and take a look."

She carefully picked up the box and placed it on the sofa. She turned sideways and opened the lid. There was a white rectangular box inside, but she had already recognized the logo.

  “It’s the latest model of mobile phone!”

 “Yes, this is a gift for you, do you like it?”

"I like it!" She couldn't wait to open the cover of the phone. The cherry blossom pink phone inside was full of girlish colors, which was exactly the style she liked.

 “It’s so beautiful, thank you brother!”

Seeing her smiling face, Ye Xichen raised his head and touched the top of her head, his movements natural and gentle.

 When Ye Weiwei looked at him, she smiled so much that her eyebrows turned into crescent moons. The gloom in her heart was swept away, and she was filled with joy.

 “Why did you suddenly give me a mobile phone?”

 “Didn’t the screen sometimes go black last time I fell into the water, so I’ll give you a new one.”

Last night, I fell into the swimming pool and my phone fell as well. It was still usable after someone picked it up, but occasionally the screen would go black.

The reason why Ye Xichen didn't replace her clothes immediately was because she was waiting for the latest style that had just come out.

It’s better not to be too pampering about this kind of thing!

Ye Weiwei stepped onto the sofa domineeringly, stretched out his arms and hugged Ye Xichen's neck. He lowered his head and touched Ye Xichen's forehead, and rubbed her affectionately several times, "Brother, you are awesome."

 “Is this just an expression?”

 “Hey, isn’t this enough? My praise is very rare!”

She would not casually praise others for being super awesome. In her heart, the only person who deserves the words "super awesome" is Ye Xichen.

I have always thought so.

 But Ye Xichen was still not satisfied.

 When he wants...

  “I mean, actually means.”


As soon as Ye Xichen finished speaking, a mua on the left and a mua on the right put a faint lip print on her.

Ye Weiwei suppressed his laughter and did not dare to tell the truth.

Before Ye Xichen noticed it, he saw her standing tall on the sofa and suddenly asked her, "How tall are you?"

Ye Weiyi used the height of the sofa to compare his height with Ye Xichen's, and said arrogantly: "I'm 1.8 meters tall!"

Ye Xichen silently put the person in his arms and put him on the ground. He asked again: "Are you sure you are 1.8 meters tall?"

Ye Weiwei looked up at him. Comparing the sudden change in height, she pouted in embarrassment, "I'm... about one meter..."

Turning her eyes, she caught a glimpse of the new phone and picked it up sideways.

“Brother Chen, I want to try out my new phone. Just stand still and I can take a picture for you, okay?”

 She quickly completed the basic settings after entering the system.

Ye Xichen snorted undeniably and stood still.

Ye Weiwei opened the camera with a smile. Just as she began to focus on Ye Xichen's cheeks with red lip marks, her wrist was suddenly grabbed and her phone was snatched away unexpectedly.

The phone returned to Ye Xichen's hand in an instant. He was playing with it, and when he looked at himself with the front camera, the red lip marks on his face could be said to be very...beautiful!

Ye Weiwei covered his face with his hands, his body slowly getting shorter.

Hmm, she was squatting down slowly.

Ye Xichen picked him up easily, "Little Ling Dang, you are very brave."

 Ye Weiwei immediately put on lipstick.

Said pitifully: "How about you also draw a kiss on my face?"

 Young Master Ye’s face turned even darker!

   Just don’t be too pampering! 521521

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 (End of this chapter)

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