My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 431: Face to face with everyone in the gang (1)

 Chapter 431 Helping everyone in the congregation to face each other (1)

Ye Weiwei got a new mobile phone, and she didn't expect to cause trouble, especially when Luo Yuxi looked at her mobile phone and her eyes widened.

“Qiaoqiao, you are such a wealthy person. This phone is just new and very expensive, but you got it so quickly!”

 Luo Yuxi was very envious of her.

 Ye Weiwei raised his finger to his lips and made a silencing gesture to her, "Stop talking."

"Oh." Luo Yuxi covered her mouth and whispered.

Ye Weiwei didn't expect it at first, but belatedly bought a mobile phone case to cover the logo of her mobile phone, so that others wouldn't care about the brand of her mobile phone.

Luo Yuxi felt a little comforted when she saw Ye Weiwei's new mobile phone.

 Ye Weiwei is really rich. Last time she was just a little careful, so it’s not a big problem!

  She thought, anyway, Ye's only interests were not harmed.

 But in the end, she felt a little guilty because Luo Yuxi had been so courteous to her recently.

 Ye Weiwei silently kept the shopping incident in her heart.

While playing the game, I heard the gang leader and others mention that they were on a business trip to G city to meet with a gay. It seemed that it would be this weekend.

 But Ye Weiwei didn't take it to heart, and she wouldn't go anyway.

It was Luo Yuxi who came specifically to ask her, "Qiaoqiao, it seems that nearly ten people are coming to the gang meeting on Saturday. Are you going?"

Ye Weiwei shook his head without thinking, "I'm not interested in these."

"Oh well."

Luo Yuxi didn’t request it either, and didn’t mention it again after that.


Luo Yuxi got up early in the morning to wash her face and change clothes, and then sat there to put on makeup.

Luo Yuxi occasionally likes to wear Hanfu, and she also makes cosplays when participating in comic exhibitions. She also has a set of research on makeup.

She is not ugly, but she is fat and her facial features look big.

 After applying makeup and covering it up with hair, she still looks quite cute, but her figure... is still fat.

Luo Yuxi was tinkering with things and woke up all her roommates.

Xia Xiyun muttered something dissatisfied, and Luo Yuxi just apologized, "Sorry, I will try to be as quiet as possible."

Ye Weiwei opened the bed curtain and stuck out his little head, then plunged into the bed and went back to sleep.

 At about nine o'clock, I basically got up and washed up, but found that Luo Yuxi was still there!

Xia Xiyun half-opened her eyes, "Didn't you get up at six o'clock? You thought something was wrong."

Luo Yuxi didn’t tell anyone else that she was going to meet with netizens, so the other two roommates didn’t know about it.

She pulled Ye Weiyi and asked, "Qiaoqiao, look at it, does my outfit suit me? And the makeup I specially put on today, does it look good?"

  Ye Weiwei looked at it and nodded, "It looks good."

 Although she is fat, she is also an exquisite fat girl.

 You will definitely look more beautiful than usual after dressing up specially.

Xia Xiyun laughed at her, "Luoluo, are you going out on a date?"

Luo Yuxi suddenly became shy, "It's a date, how about it."

“Tsk.” Xia Xiyun chuckled, “Who is so serious about falling in love with you? Will he be stronger than you?”

Xia Xiyun is the kind of person who speaks a little unabashedly. Sometimes there is no malice, but it sounds uncomfortable.

Luo Yuxi almost got into a fight with her.

Ye Weiyi shook his head helplessly and started brushing his teeth.

Luo Yuxi packed up and went out at ten o'clock.

 When Luo Yuxi was not around, Xia Xiyun was the only one who stayed with Ye.

“Qiaoqiao, I recently found a particularly delicious restaurant and I want to live broadcast it. Why don’t you come with me?”

 Handba Yin started to act like a coquettish girl, she really couldn't resist.

 (End of this chapter)

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