My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 432: Facing everyone in the gang (2)

 Chapter 432: Helping everyone in the congregation to face each other (2)

Luo Yuxi arrived at the restaurant that the gang had arranged to meet at around ten o'clock. The rest of the gang hadn't arrived yet, so Luo Yuxi chose a sheltered seat to sit down.

This store is called Qinyuan. It has a good reputation in G city in the past two years, and its consumption is considered average.

There is no single private room for medium-sized customers here, just a spacious hall where each or two shared tables are separated by screens.

 After ordering a drink, Luo Yuxi stared at her phone, watching messages from those in the gang group who were coming for a meal and those who were waiting to watch the fun.

At eleven o'clock, Luo Yuxi saw a fat boy sitting down and took out his cell phone to take a picture of the table number.

 Luo Yuxi looked at the gang group and found a photo with table number 12, which belonged to a man from the gang who usually liked to talk a lot.

 Luo Yuxi laughed softly.

 She raised her head inadvertently and saw two figures passing by the window.

She took a closer look and saw Ye Weiwei and Xia Xiyun walking into Qinyuan hand in hand.

A question mark popped up above Luo Yuxi's head: Didn't Qiao Qiao not come to meet Ji? Why are you out in Qinyuan? He also brought Xia Xiyun with him. Could it be that he also wanted to sit aside and observe secretly?

 In fact, Ye Weiwei didn’t even know where the gang had arranged to meet!

If Luo Yuxi knew that the gang she valued so much was actually lying quietly among the only group of assistants in the night, her heart would definitely feel cold.

Luo Yuxi stared at Ye Weiwei and Xia Xiyun, and found it quite strange to see that they had chosen a place far away from each other and did not deliberately or pretended to look here inadvertently.

 “It doesn’t seem like I’m here to take a peek.”

Luo Yuxi thought for a while, took out her mobile phone and sent a message to Ye Weiwei, asking her where she was.

 Ye Weiwei told her honestly: "Yunyun and I were having dinner at a place called Qinyuan."

 “Okay, you two will go out to eat delicious food secretly while I’m away!”

Ye’s only explanation was, “I just wanted to record a live broadcast of eating.”

  Luo Yuxi was inexplicably relieved when he learned the reason.

 When she looked at table No. 12, she found that there were two more people suddenly there.

 A boy with a good figure but average looks, and a petite girl with an internet celebrity face.

Luo Yuxi looked at the group again, and it was the nanny named Tiansewan who said that she had arrived. She should be the Internet celebrity girl.

 As for the boy, I don’t know, but he seems to be familiar with her.

At half past eleven.

Luo Yuxi began to feel nervous because her love interest Zhijian privately messaged her saying that he would be arriving soon and asked her if she had arrived.

Luo Yuxi tremblingly sent a message: It’s almost there.

At this time, a tall, thin boy with a handsome face walked towards us. He was wearing a hoodie and headphones. He looked like a young college student. In short, he was the type that makes people easily attracted to him.

 The boy sat down at table 12.

Luo Yuxi heard that it was getting late and asked: "Are you holding a sword?"

Although I don’t know how Tian Ziwan recognized him at first glance, I saw the boy nodding and admitting, "Hello, I am holding a sword."

At this moment, Luo Yuxi also received the news from Zhijian: I am already at table 12.

Luo Yuxi’s heart is like beating a drum.

 As the gang members started to come in one after another, Luo Yuxi found that among the four girls, only one was slightly worse, but none of them were ugly, and none of them were fat!

 When the gang urged her, Luo Yuxi suddenly stood up!

“I’m really curious about what Luo Baiyuan looks like. You are so handsome holding a sword. Luo Luo must be a little beauty.”

Luo Yuxi stepped back after taking a step, and suddenly turned her head and walked towards Ye Weiwei!

  Thanks for the reward from "I wish I had you"~~

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 (End of this chapter)

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