My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 436: Fat girls are Luoluo

Chapter 436 The fat girl is Luoluo

“This girl with a baby voice is so cute. Is she a friend of Luoluo and Qiaoqiao?”

Seeing Xia Xiyun come to a group of people, the identities of Luoluo and Qiaoqiao were about to be exposed.

“Hello, I am Luoluo and Qiaoqiao’s roommate.”

As a host, Xia Xiyun is certainly good at dealing with people, even when doing stand-up comedy.

Who doesn’t like good-looking girls, especially sweet-looking soft girls like Xia Xiyun, who is not the same type of beauty as Ye Weiyi, but she also wins the hearts of straight men.

Hang Yu, the leader of the gang, couldn't stand it at that time. "She is a cute young lady. We are all of the same age. Why don't we sit down and have fun together?"

How could Luo Yuxi dare to let Xia Xiyun sit down? She quickly stood up and pulled Xia Xiyun aside, "Yunyun, it's not convenient to explain to you now, but please continue your live broadcast, okay? We have something to talk about here. "

“Hey, if there is something that only the two of you can do, it’s usually the three of us together.”

 But girl, have you ever heard of a saying that in a story of three people, one person always has to quit?

Luo Yuxi definitely couldn't let Xia Xiyun, a completely untimed bomb, stay. She said a lot of nice things but wouldn't let her pass.

Xiang Yu drank a glass of wine and stared at Xia Xiyun, asking Ye Weiwei, "Luoluo, what's going on with your roommate? It's weird."

I came to a party and refused to tell me my game ID. Finally, a weak girl came and dragged the weak girl away. It is said that ugly people tend to cause mischief...

 This is everyone’s inner feeling.

It's just that they didn't express their evaluation of Luo Yuxi in front of Ye Youwei.

"Luo... Qiaoqiao, she might have something to say." He almost called out his real name, and Ye Weiwei regretted his soft-hearted decision to pretend to be someone else.

  Some people have questioned her voice, and they have to cover it up with the lie of Luo Yuxi's original words: "After all, the voice is different from the original voice."

However, I have been paying attention to the night sky, and I heard something unusual.

Tian Sewan raised his head and stared at Ye Weiwei, paying attention to her expression.

 Ye Youyi’s appearance is indeed perfect, she is pretty and polite, and it is said that she went to a good university, so she deserves to be called a goddess.

But it always feels weird, "Luo Baiyuan" is so familiar to them in the game, even if he is shy in reality, it is not like this.

On the other hand, the words that the fat girl occasionally said were similar to "Luo Baiyuan".

If she heard correctly, the first sound that Luo Luo spoke just now seemed to be "Lo"?

What else wanted to ask, Luo Yuxi had sent Xia Xiyun back.

The gang leader Xiang Yu looked a little unhappy at her, "Such a lovely girl is reluctant to introduce her to us. Miss, you are wrong."

Although it was a joke, others really felt a little uncomfortable when they saw Luo Yuxi.

Luo Yuxi didn't expect things to reach this point, but she could only make mistakes.

"My roommate still has some important things to do, so I just reminded her so as not to delay important things."

“By the way, why do I think Miss Qiaoqiao looks more like Lolo in the game?”

"How could it be?" Luo Yuxi denied, picking up the teapot and pouring water for Ye Weiwei.

 As a result, her hand shook and the water spilled out, accidentally dripping on Ye Youwei's mobile phone.

"sorry Sorry."

Luo Yuxi hurriedly picked up the phone, took off the casing and wiped it with a tissue. Everyone naturally saw Ye Weiwei's phone.

“Wow, it’s the latest mobile phone, and Luoluo is also a rich man!”

 (End of this chapter)

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