My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 437: plastic flower sisterhood

Chapter 437 Plastic Flower Sisterhood

"That's enough, no need to wipe it, thank you." Ye Weiwei whispered and took his phone back expressionlessly.

She already knew that Luo Yuxi poured water on the phone on purpose. In the future, "Luo Baiyuan" will be praised even higher in the game.

The vanity that Luo Yuxi cannot achieve in reality will be realized in the game.

  Luo Yuxi lives in a two-dimensional world of flattery, love, and friendship. She thinks she is smart, but she doesn’t know that her cleverness is clearly seen by others.

Luo Yuxi is not bad, but she destroyed their friendship with her own hands.

 Ye Weiwei's eyes gradually became cold.

Tiese Wan deliberately mentioned the things in the game to Ye Weiwei, "I remember when you and Zhi Jian fell in love, you formed two groups and said that you two showed your affection. At that time, you blew up so many game fireworks. It was really enviable."

Hearing Tian Se Wan’s sighing tone, Ye Weiwei took a cup of tea and took a few sips, and asked calmly: “What kind of fireworks? Didn’t all the system bugs happen to be offline that day...”

 The sky is dark and the eyes are down.

Precisely because everyone was offline that day, everyone was deeply affected by this matter. They wanted to test it out, but they didn't expect Ye Weiwei's answer to be flawless.

 Actually, Ye Weiwei was still a little panicked.

If Luo Yuxi hadn't whispered in her ear several times, she would have been exposed!

Luo Yuxi quietly gave her a look of affirmation.

 The only thing that turns a blind eye is the night.

Her fingers touched the silver chain around her neck. She inadvertently took it out and confirmed with various details that she was Luo Baiyuan.

Luo Yuxi has posted a picture of this necklace before, and interested people paid attention to her natural recognition.

 The so-called sister necklace... is actually used here.

 Ye Weiwei started talking to people in the gang proactively, not deliberately to get close, but to give people a sense of intimacy that was easy to get along with.

In this way, the image of "Luo Baiyuan" has improved to a higher level in the hearts of the gang members. She has a beautiful appearance, a sweet voice, and extraordinary conversation. She is so perfect that it seems unreal.

Luo Yuxi suddenly felt uneasy when the only Luo Baiyuan was accepted that night.

Luo Baiyuan is very popular, but Chen Lingdang's image was completely ruined by Luo Yuxi inadvertently.

Luo Yuxi saw that Ye Weiwei's behavior was becoming more and more natural. Instead of feeling relieved, Luo Yuxi felt psychologically depressed, as if everything was out of her control.

Luo Baiyuan is so perfect now. If the lie is exposed, the consequences will be simply... unimaginable!

All good things come to an end.

 After dinner, everyone proposed to sing, but Ye Weiwei really refused without hesitation.

"Sorry, there are still some things that need to be dealt with at school." She bowed her head slightly and apologized, her tone soft and natural.

Qiu Yiyan asked: "Isn't it a holiday today?"

“Although it’s a holiday, there are some jobs that have been handed down by the teacher, so I can’t refuse them.”

 Cui Hao, who was slightly chubby, applauded, "Wow, it seems that Luoluo is still a great person in school."

Ye Ziwei smiled and said nothing, neither confirming nor denying.

 She doesn't mind making the character "Luo Baiyuan" taller and more perfect now!

Ye Weiwei wants to leave, but Luo Yuxi is reluctant to leave, because she and her relationship have not yet spoken alone, so she is reluctant to leave.

Luo Yuxi pulled her aside and begged in a low voice, "Qiaoqiao, I remember nothing happened this week. Please help me again. I want to spend more time with him."

If you want to talk about the one and only Holy Virgin White Lotus, please read below!

Qixi said that the only one now is not easy to bully.

But the definition of the heroine in this book is not the one who directly slaps the face at that time. She is better at attacking the heart.



 (End of this chapter)

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