My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 450: Finally saw through the substitute's lies

Chapter 450 Finally saw through the substitute’s lie

“Did you hear the name the host read just now? It is said that the lead dancer is Qiao Li!”

The name Qiao Li is well-known in this school.

 Study, appearance, love, everything is related to "excellence" for her.

How could I say she is at the level of a goddess? She can do everything, even dance, both modern and classical!

There was a lot of chatter outside the court, and Qiu Yiyan and Xiang Yu were also full of doubts.

Xiang Yu asked: "Why do I hear that the name I received is Qiao Lian?"

Tian Sewan nodded in agreement, "That sounds like the same thing to me. Isn't Qiao Ling that fat girl?"

“What? You actually said Qiao Lian is a fat girl?”

The classmate next to me who was guarding order couldn't listen anymore.

Xiang Yu patted the male classmate on the shoulder and said, "Hey, classmate, tell us what you know."

"Qiao Ling, that's the one who was leading the dance in red just now, the very pretty one. Don't you know her? She is the proud daughter of our school. She was admitted to the school with the top score in the province, and she is also the top student in our school. There is news of a love affair, tsk tsk tsk, it’s legendary.”

“Like the day I was in a car accident, and I was knocked to the ground with Qiao Lian. I watched with my own eyes as the boss took Xue Mei Qiao away, and I was all alone. Alas, I was all alone with no one to help me.”

By coincidence, this is the guy who was hit in the foot in a car accident at the school gate that day!

Listening to his series of nagging, the expressions of Qiu Yiyan and others changed drastically.

The "Luo Luo" they thought turned out to be not Luo Yuxi, but Qiao Ling?

Who is the fat man they thought was Qiao Lian?

“Then do you know who the fat girl is with them?”

 A chubby girl?

That dear friend thought carefully and shook his head.

 “I don’t know, it should be some little-known person.”

 There are so many people on campus, so it must be very special to be remembered by everyone.

 And Luo Yuxi? ?

 After hearing these words, Qiu Yiyan and others felt uneasy.

Tian Shiwan responded quickly, "We are not being cheated, are we?"

"No, it can't be?" Xiang Yu's rhetorical question only confirmed the answer in Qiu Yiyan's mind.

He thought about the fat girl giving him the watch alone and going to the appointment on behalf of "Lolo", and it felt like a chill was rising all over his body.

There are several large-scale programs like this every semester. Students are always interested in them at first, but then they want to leave.

But the school teacher arranged for occasional head count, no one left, and you always had to take a second look when a new program came out.

 Look at the stands again.

 The curtain opens.

 Into the ear, it is the sound of bells.

 The lights on the stage gradually brightened, and the dancers on the stage turned their backs to the audience.

 Those white and light pink people in the group dance turned around one after another, and walked in small steps to form a circle to surround the red-collared dancer in the middle.

 Many people’s eyes turned to the stage, and people behind them even stood up one after another.

The man in red on the stage spreads his arms, his wide sleeves show a perfect arc, and throws out his shawl, with the bells on it ringing loudly.

 “Qiao Ling! Qiao Ling!”

There was a burst of cheers from the audience. Following the music, she gradually turned around, and her long sleeves gradually opened, revealing the flame flower on her forehead. When everyone held their breath, she opened her long sleeves, revealing a face wearing a veil.


 There was a sound of disappointment, the wonderful performance, and the graceful figure still attracted everyone's attention.

Her long shawl was hung on her wrists and fell to the ground.

  The dancer accidentally stepped on the shawl while walking in a circle. Ye Weiyi, who was facing away, tugged forward without knowing it, and her body jumped forward uncontrollably.

The music reaches its climax just at this moment!

I have already imagined a plot to put in the next chapter, which is a very popular paragraph recently.

"May I ask who your surname is? Where do you live? Do you have a wife and children at home? This little girl is not talented, so I want to use the young master's life to speak." - Ye Weiwei




 (End of this chapter)

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