My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 451: Empress the country and the city

Chapter 451: Overwhelming Country and City

At the critical moment, she quickly spun around the ground and sat cross-legged on the ground. The red silk shawl in her hand was like a flexible rope and she could be manipulated at will, making crisp sounds.

 The sound of the bells is transmitted through the loudspeaker, as if every sound strikes people's hearts!

The backup dancers were all surprised by her sudden change in dance posture. They saw her flipping the pattern flexibly with her fingers, spreading her arms from top to bottom to her waist, and lifting her right foot up at the same time. This movement could not be seen in the originally designed simple dance. It is a level of difficulty that has never been seen before.

 The audience was excited!

 “Take the veil!”

 “Take the veil!”

 The cheers grew louder and louder, but the sound gradually came to an end.

The dancers left the stage one after another, and the request to remove the veil was never met.

Ye Weiwei retreated behind the scenes with the sweat dripping from his forehead, "Huh, it's finally over."

 The backup dancers gathered around her and looked at her with envy or jealousy.

 “Qiaoqiao, you are so awesome.”

She shook her head and hurriedly went to the storage area to get her mobile phone back.

 Sure enough, there is news about Ye Xichen.

 She opened it and saw that the message above was sent after the dance: I'm waiting for you in the library.

Ye Weiwei looked at her phone and smiled unconsciously. When she was about to leave, she was stopped by someone!

At the same time, Luo Yuxi was also stopped.

The people who stopped them were... Luo Yuxi's love interest Qiu Yiyan, the gang leader Xiang Yu, and the gang's nanny. It's late!

At that time, the inner reality seemed to be like a husky.

Luo Yuxi grabbed her arm at that time, and Ye Weiwei could even feel her hands trembling.


Qiu Yiyan called Luoluo, but neither of them responded.

By now, it is obvious which of the two is Luoluo and Qiaoqiao, and there is no need to continue the lies.

Ye Weiyi doesn’t want to waste time playing a drama that she doesn’t like.

 “You go on, I’m leaving.”

Ye Weiwei was about to run away, but Qiu Yiyan suddenly grabbed his wrist.

Ye's only reflexive move was to shake her, but she found that Qiu Yiyan was holding her tightly. She took a deep breath and turned Qiu Yiyan's arm over.


Even the boys who resisted would have their hands cramped by her.

Ye Weiwei put down his hand and spread his fingers awkwardly, "Sorry, inertia."

 She doesn’t like strangers touching her, let alone someone of the opposite **** she doesn’t like!

 “What’s going on with you two?”

"I'm sorry about this, but if you have to explain it, you can tell me why you are here?"

It came out late, "It's not the so -called Lolo telling us that the school has a celebration today, and there are beautiful photos in the group."

  What the two boys couldn't say, it was late at night and they said it on their behalf.

Not only that, it was getting late and I found the photo that Luo Yuxi had posted in the group, "Hey, this is the photo."

Ye Ziyi only took a brief glance and knew that it was his own photo.

Unexpectedly, giving her a chance with a soft heart made her use herself even more unscrupulously!

 It seems that there is no need to be merciful anymore.

"Since you are here, I think you should know something."

Ye Weiwei glanced at Luo Yuxi meaningfully and saw her standing there, completely speechless.

Ye Weiyi put away his silk robe, and the hanging bells sounded softly.

“I’m sorry, let me introduce myself again. My name is Qiao Ling, and my game ID is Chen Lingdang!”

Our little bell was the number one beauty in ancient times~

   I felt that the last self-introduction was very satisfying.

In the next chapter, I will go to Brother Chen to show my affection~



 (End of this chapter)

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