My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 471: A "wild man" broke the hearts of two women

Chapter 471 A “wild man” ruined the hearts of two women

 “An Ran! Long time no see!”

 Seeing Yu Anran again, Ye Weiwei felt that she had become very different.

Now with this outfit and her own temperament, she looks very royal. She is worthy of being a law student.

Seeing that the two of them looked familiar, Xia Xiyun pointed the camera at Yu Anran's car and recorded it for a few seconds.

 “Oh my god, is this also the person celebrating Qiao Qiao’s birthday?”

 “It seems so.”

Gong Qianli and Yu Anran met well and were vaguely impressed.

Even Nangong Luo applauded from the side, "It's amazing, it's really amazing. I can talk to that beauty later."

Gong Qianli glanced at him and said, "You will never change your nature."

 A group of people gathered here, of all kinds and classes.

Luo Yuxi and Leng Ruxue were squeezed together.

Leng Ruxue didn't like to talk, but Luo Yuxi talked a lot. He pulled her and kept mumbling, "Who do you think those people are? They all look good, and they all drive luxury cars. They are really rich." ”

"have no idea."

“It seems like birds of a feather flock together, rich people like to hang out with rich people, and good-looking people dislike us.”

"Qiaoqiao doesn't dislike you, right?" Leng Ruxue said a kind word for Ye Weiwei at the right time.

Luo Yuxi quickly changed her words, "Of course I'm not talking about Qiao Qiao."

 But then she couldn't help but sigh: "But I think you are quite beautiful, but our family backgrounds are a bit different."


It’s lively when there are more people, but there’s also a downside.

There is only one protagonist, and the others do not know each other. It is difficult to introduce them, and even if they are introduced, they may not get close to each other.

Taking Yu Anran as an example, she would rather sit quietly by herself than laugh and chat with these people.

Fortunately, there are Nangong Luo and Gong Qianli who are not afraid of strangers and like to say hello to everyone.

Gong Qianli answered a phone call and said to Ye Weiyi mysteriously: "By the way, Weiyi, I told you that a mysterious guest may appear."

 “Hmm? Who is it?”

 “You can’t guess this person!”

 “Can you give me a heads up?”

Gong Qianli rubbed her chin and thought about it for a moment, then revealed something to her seriously, "There is a word for 'wild' in the name!"


The water cup that Yu Anran had just picked up suddenly fell down. Although she quickly reacted to grab the cup, light tea still spilled on the table.

When everyone stopped and looked towards her, Yu Anran said calmly, "I'm sorry." "

"Bei..." The first name that came to Ye Yue's mind was Bei Ye.

She pursed her lips and glanced at Yu Anran. She saw Yu Anran taking out a tissue and wiping a little tea on the side of the cup and the table without changing her expression, but her eyes were slightly absent-minded.

Gong Qianli, who was not sure of the situation, looked around and said, "What's going on? I haven't said who it is yet, but you guys are so excited."

Ye Weiwei shook his head and asked, "So who is it?"

“Do you still remember that when you were in the second grade of junior high school, there was a very arrogant transfer student in your class?”

 “Transfer student?”

“Yes, the one who loves to play the guitar.” Gong Qianli made a few gestures on the spot.

Ye Weiyi suddenly realized, "Ah, I remembered, it's Han Xingye!"


Who dropped the phone again?

Looking towards the source of the sound, Xia Xiyun bent down to pick up the phone that fell on the ground, wiped it twice, and found it was intact.

“I’m sorry, I want to ask, is the Han Xingye who loves playing guitar you just mentioned, the Han Xingye from MG band?”

 (End of this chapter)

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