My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 472: Woman lipstick and photo

 Chapter 472 Woman’s Lipstick and Photos


 “That’s the man you’re talking about.”

Gong Qianli told her the answer very definitely.

Of course, Ye Weiwei will not forget Han Xingye, because that person was too naughty at the time and had a strong sense of presence.

And that semester was the first time she stepped onto the stage, and it was a time she could never forget.

 “Why, do you know him too?”

 “I don’t know him, but...I am a fan of Han Xingye!”

As soon as Xia Xiyun heard that they knew Han Xingye, she immediately stood up and jumped up and down excitedly. She looked extremely happy!

Ye Weiwei never knew that his internet celebrity roommate was actually a fan of his junior high school classmate, and according to Xia Xiyun’s narration, he was still a die-hard fan!

 “I never knew you were a fan of hers, I never heard you say it.”

“Oh, it’s because they broke up. I really liked MG’s little brother back then, but I’m Han Xingye’s only fan. I think he’s super cool!”

   When Baby Sound talks about her idol, her adoring tone is so cute!

 At this time, the door opened!

A man wearing a cool denim jacket with a fashionable short hair, walks the idol route with a coquettish posture, and declares his identity by carrying a long guitar on his back.

The man flipped his hair coquettishly, leaned against the column and asked coquettishly: "Who is my fan?"

 Everyone was so surprised that their jaws dropped.

Ye Weiwei looked at the face that was slightly similar to the one in his memory and already knew the identity of the visitor.

 However, there was a super excited person present who stood up and jumped up and down and shouted his name.

 “Han Xingye!”

 “That’s right, such a handsome name belongs to me.” Han Xingye took off his guitar and struck a unique pose.

Ye Weiyi really didn’t know what words to use to describe his mood at that time.

Gong Qianli, on the other hand, tugged on his trendy denim jacket curiously, "Han Xingye, I haven't seen you in a few years, how come you have turned from a little bully to a boy in the second middle school?"

"Brother, please don't make trouble, my fans are watching!" Han Xingye winked at Gong Qianli at that time, and his "big brother" call was very smooth.

I don’t know what kind of image he has, but Xia Xiyun is a real fan girl. At that time, he took out a thousand-dollar lipstick from his bag and handed it to Han Xingye, "Hero! I am your fan, you can give me an autograph." ?"

Xia Xiyun's excited look was like a child getting candy. No, it was even sweeter than getting candy!

Han Xingye took away her lipstick unceremoniously and asked, "Where to sign it?"

Xia Xiyun quickly took out another inch photo from her bag, and the front of the inch photo was Han Xingye's profile picture!

 “My God, just sign it on the back. I will carry your photo with me every day!”

Xia Xiyun clasped her hands together, with a smile on her face.

There is no doubt that this is a real fan.

 The appearance of Han Xingye created another wave of lively atmosphere.

Ke Ye Weiyi didn’t know at all why someone he hadn’t seen for so many years suddenly found him?

“Liu Li, was it you who revealed the news?”

"What is disclosure? When he asked, I said it openly."

 “What is he here for?”

 “I’m looking for you.”

Ye Weiyi couldn’t understand it at all.

 “Looking for me? Why? We are not familiar with each other.”

“Wow, it would be really bad for him to hear that. He’s here to celebrate your 18th birthday.”

 “Wait a minute...I heard someone coming in again!”

 There will be a sound when entering the door.

 “Miss Qiao, here is a gift.”

 “Who sent it?”

 “A gentleman named Gu.”

Do you know how important lipstick is to a girl?



 (End of this chapter)

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